The food served in an LPG tanker ship is not a “bon vivant” type of treat although it is “bon appétit” meal at any given time, to some it is a “bone of contention.” But really, menu onboard ship is a combination of simple style, good preparation and good taste. This master stroke of an idea is solely done by the ship’s chef cook who always make it sure that food he cook meets the expectations of his colleagues.
The “mayor” of the galley makes the best out of his wit in maintaining the good taste of foods he is cooking. Although, food in ocean going vessels particularly tanker ships is quite a little different in taste than the food we eat on shore, still meal onboard ship is certainly a matter of real nourishment. FYI, raw food onboard LPG tanker ship is being stored in a provision store room located near the engine room’s chemical storage area. Also, the ship emits different kinds of gases and smells that directly affects the natural taste of all foods and drinks stored.
Recipes, ingredients and the method of cooking are the things that the chef cook applies in his cooking routine just to stymie the ship’s smell effect on raw foods and to bring good tasting, delicious and sumptuous meal in the mess hall for all to eat with gusto.