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Monday, August 23, 2010


It was a happy day for the tourists from Hong Kong as they wrapped-up their visit in the Philippines when suddenly their tourist bus came to a halt. A man in camouflage uniform and armed to the teeth appeared and immediately boarded the bus. It took short moments until the passengers realized that they were being held hostage by the man standing right in front of them.

The hostage drama happened in Metro Manila, Philippines early yesterday morning (August 23, 2010) and lasted at around 8:45pm. The lead characters, composed of the lone suspect, the innocent tourists and the police authorities were caught in a high tense situation for almost 10 hours. The hostage drama ended in a bloody mess; 8 tourists were killed and the gunman was peppered with bullets from police sharpshooters or snipers, splattering his brain in the pavement as he gasped for air due to the teargas hurled inside by the policemen.

The gunman in uniform was identified as a dismissed decorated police officer who has an axe to grind against the people whom he accused of ending his career as a good officer and a gentleman. He blamed the authorities of indifference and injustice. In short, he was deprived to fight for his right in the legal processes in which he have had criminal cases that he denied but eventually decided in the bar of legal opinion, trashing his legal arguments to the dustbin of shame.

It was swift. The gunman who has a rank of Captain, re-enacted the hostage takers way of being the enemy of the State. He forced his way inside a tourist bus packed with Hong Kong nationals. The disgruntled police officer vented his ire against the people whom he accused of doing him wrong. His sentiments and grievances were heard through the media. But the authorities were determined to end the standoff and they did in a bloody fashion.

After the rainy scene settled down, the enemy of the State was killed and so with the 8 victims. Although, the hostage taker was taken-out forever the true enemy of the State of whom the gunman were accusing of are actually on the loose. They are actually in the judiciary, legislative and executive branch of government and hold your breath, the paid hacks in media organizations. Most of the people in these four branches of the State are the true ENEMY OF THE STATE.