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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


A latest report on human trafficking released by the United States two days ago showed that the rate of occurrence of human trafficking have gone up in years. In spite of warnings from the US to all countries that have high incidence of human smuggling, the problem persisted owing to the fact that the countries identified in the said report were known to have a weak legal system and corrupt airport and immigration officials and other concerned authorities who tolerates the problem.

The Philippines and Vietnam which was on the top list of the US report failed to stamp-out human trafficking even though warnings and notice of communication had been continuously relayed by the US. In the Philippines human smuggling is a daily routine for scheming government officials in cahoots with progenitor of evil.

Most of the people being trafficked involved young women. Worst, these people ends in the Middle East, Malaysia and Singapore and other countries. The term modern slavery applies to these hapless people. They work in brothels and known hotels as masseuse cum sex partners, household slaves and work as prostitutes in well known parks of the host country.

In Singapore, many Filipino women recruited as tourists works as prostitutes catering to seafarers and other “seeker of flesh.” In Malaysia, Vietnamese and Filipinos work in prostitution dens and hotels providing sexual pleasure to patrons.

I honestly hurt and feel sadness when I was informed by my fellow crew member that Filipinos in Singapore ply their trade openly in the “Dragon City.” Shore leave is a must in Singapore because the country offers everything one could dream of. The same with Malaysia; young Vietnamese and Filipino women is a fixture in the country’s sex trade. But the thing is, these people are victims of human trafficking and the root cause is poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and abuse inflicted upon them by the environment they belong.


Yes indeed, Filipino politicians and those who are in government service are the cause of poverty, hunger and insurgency in the Philippines. Majority of these politicians belongs to the prominent families of the Philippines who ruled the country since after independence from the American colonizer. The neo-politicos who gained prominence after the EDSA Revolution of 1986 are likewise to blame for the unrelenting debacle of the poor Philippines. The seat of power are divided and passed onto their relatives, to their next of kin, father, mother, brother, sister etc and the cycle continues. These people practically owned almost the entire Philippines. And holy cow, these politicos are educated in the world renown Universities in America and Europe. They have their Master of Arts and doctoral degrees prominently displayed in their personal information. They send their relatives one after the other to the same schools abroad and return to the Philippines to run for public office only to amass wealth as a reward for a stint abroad as students. They are well educated alright, but once they’re in power, they accumulate wealth in so short a time, almost triple the money that they spent as students abroad. They have no regards to the poor masses; all they have in mind is their personal interests on how to remain rich at the expense of the uneducated and poor people of the Philippines. Also, the men in government who are appointed to run the day to day affairs of the country contribute to the problems by using their positions to manipulate, rigged, influence every contract at their own disposal in exchanged for FAT COMMISSIONS. They are not taking chances; every available transaction is considered easy money and must go to their pockets by hook or by crook. Both politicos and the men in government have their mansions, flashy cars, acres of lands and buildings around the country. Their sons and daughters are in private, air conditioned and stately schools and blessed with luxuries. The poor masses lives in small shacks, in squatters, no lands of their own and works as scavengers, tradesmen, mendicants. Their sons and daughters are poorly educated, roaming around town, clawed by pedophiles and sex predators and oftentimes dies in hunger. Others resort to criminality and in the rural areas joins rebel movements. This is SAD REALLY SAD. How I wish that someday the Philippines will be great again, again because once upon a time the Philippines was second to Japan but now the country is a step ahead of Timbuktu, whatever that means.