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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Showbiz Dominates Mass Media

The Philippine mass media has completely gobbled-up by showbiz from “gutter-talk shows” to the very lowest showbiz news/gossips, which is best describe as “bovine ordure” in the highest degree. From radio, TV and print media, showbiz mania has almost become the center of everything. Showbiz shares headlines along with political issues and police reports which are often the content of newspapers, radios and TVs.

Showbiz has turned mass media into a cumbersome part of society where the people are feed with the daily dose of insignificant and below standard news reporting. The consequence therefore is enormous because people of all walks of life just couldn’t resist patronizing showbiz, made possible by too many bastardized tabloids and broadsheets and the mass media as a whole.

Instead of quality, high standard, excellent and responsible reporting, the country’s mass media has gone haywire. They made issues out of everything, from the life of showbiz personalities down to the least nonsensical issues or gossips like taking a shower, of having a party, of showing extravagance, of asking what the actor/actress likes about their body, about sex scandal videos and other “bovine ordure” issues that do not merit attention from the public.

This trend of media bias towards showbiz is slowly turning moral and nation building a backseat. Rather than providing the public the necessary information about education, new discovery, featured stories of great importance, economy, environment, empowerment, success stories of individuals for inspirations and other issues that delves on progress and development, the mass media, however, continue to focus on the nauseating world of showbiz.

Decades ago only tabloids and some broadsheets has extensive coverage on showbiz news/gossips but over the years showbiz popularity has widen its scope in mass media including TV stations which are now hiring glib talkers among showbiz reporters & columnists to attract great number of credulous followers or viewers and to bring high ratings to their shows and stations.

Not to be outdone, big companies, corporation, politicians and identified groups or entities have joined the bandwagon of showbiz mania purposely for promotional activities. For these people, showbiz is money and money is wealth and power and so the showbiz delusion continues.

I have nothing against showbiz per se but the way it is being run by the industry and corporate leaders and the mass media is too much. Instead of educational shows, the big three TV stations in the country is competing against each other by having too many showbiz talk shows without any purpose whatsoever but to feed garbage news to the public.

Unlike in some ASEAN countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam, showbiz news/gossips do not given much attention as headlines. The mass media in Malaysia give much relevance to their progress and development as a nation. Their broadsheets are full of knowledge-based information. Their TV stations do not have showbiz talk shows that poison and twist the logical sense of the public.

Vietnam is more than conscientious towards progress and development that is why they have a mass media - although quite restricted for some political reason – that prioritize news and programs that have social significance. The country’s TV stations continuously airs their heroes exploits particularly Ho Chi Mihn, Vietnam’s revolutionary hero. Showbiz gossip is a non factor in the country’s fast developing economy.

Mass media has a significant role in nation building but only then it could happen if that role will be taken seriously with utmost diligence and responsibility to help the nation realized progress and development. The mass media shouldn’t let showbiz rule over them and to prevent the public of acquiring “delusional infection” instead feed the public the antidote of knowledge-based information relevant to total progress and development.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Elections Promises

After the May 10, 2010 Presidential elections the Filipino masses will again troop to the voting precincts this coming 25th of October 2010 to participate in Barangay or community elections. The voters will elect their community and youth leaders to continue of what the local government code of the Philippines’ coherent decree allowing local communities to conscientiously participate in nation building.

This political exercise, however, over the years has become the training ground for graft & corruption, malfeasance, fraud, abuse of authority and bad governance by select individuals with questionable characters. Candidates vying for community and youth leadership, both first timers and old timers, are often engage in killings and dirty politicking just to show who’s who in their community.

There are compelling reasons why select and known individuals run for Barangay/community positions because the perks or benefits are quite attractive and they say it is foolish to refuse a position in the community. Add to that is the support of personalities holding power and influence. That is why this election is very much important to certain individuals with sinister motives because it gives them clout in everything they do in the community as well as in the national level.

The purpose of this election as provided for by the local government code is totally good and well defined but only on papers. Because in reality the people involved in this political exercise are no different from the past and present leaders who shaped the rotten political system of the country.

And the fact that the Philippines has so many religious sects proclaiming the word of God, the people will still vote candidates confirmed as baddies because everybody else were eroded and eaten by the system of things that had been prevailing for a very long period of time. And the way I look at it, this October election is predictable because old faces and the relatives of known & crook personalities will emerge as winners and that as usual ELECTION PROMISES will surely end in the heap of “broken promises.”

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

P-Noy’s First 100 Days Burst the Opening Mark

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III has quickly moved fast in his first 100 days in office last October 08, 2010, and yet the fact that he is still in the early months of his first starring role as president, he has already taken the nod of the vast majority who believe in his ability to lead the nation to progress and development.

But the action is not complete without the villains out to stymie and shame the leading character of P-Noy. The opposition (rabid supporters of the past administration of GMA) as villains, hit the 100 days of President Benigno Aquino for being weak in the face of the August 23, 2010 hostage drama and other nonsensical issues.

Others, like the poor peasants, marginalized since the time of P-Noy’s parents, grandparents and close relatives were calling for P-Noy to finally release to them their share of the Hacienda Luisita, the controversial land property of the family of the President. Another issue that grabbed attention in his first 100 days was the never ending issue of jueteng, the illegal numbers game which was raised by no less than the man of the cloth, retired Bishop Oscar Cruz, one of the leading advocates against illegal gambling.

Because P-Noy is the leading figure in this archipelagic country of the Philippines which was almost written-off for the past 9 years, he did not stopped believing in his resolve to eked-out a better performance as shown by the latest economic figures of the country, by leading its ASEAN neighbors in GDP statistics.

Although, P-Noy has met some flack in his decision making following the IIRC report that investigated the hostage drama and the illegal numbers game brouhaha which accuses his close and trusted officials and for defending them in public, the President fairly fended off criticisms. Add to that when P-Noy signed Amnesty Proclamation No. 50 granting amnesty to all soldiers who mutinied against the then President Gloria Arroyo.

The oppositions were dismayed over the amnesty program of the government but various sectors sided with the decision of the President claiming that the mutineers are principled soldiers who fought abuse of authority and massive corruption in the military and the civilian government of the previous administration.

This time, President Benigno Aquino III looked serious and steadfast in his first starring role as the leader of the Philippines. Only that he is still beholden to patronage politics that gives protection to controversial government officials. If this policy continues in his term, this could be a big setback and might hinder competence and long lasting good governance. But perhaps P-Noy wouldn’t let this to happen again because he knows that the country has been in the doldrums of complete worthlessness. The Filipino nation is keeping their hope alive for the next 6 years and President Noy must do it slowly but surely or bust.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Team Pacquiao Aims Boxing Record

Team Pacquiao is aiming for a boxing record this coming 13th of November 2010 in Dallas Texas where cowboys and cowgirls are in their usual get-up of 10 gallon Stetson hats, boots, cool jeans, corduroys and belt buckles which normally gives an added attraction to visitors especially those who loves the place for its colorful history and country music.

Team Pacquiao is now in intense training in Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines where fans and bystanders alike watched Pacquiao with glee and in star-struck mode. The boxer has big followers in the country and he is mobbed every time he’s exposed to the crowd, the one that admires and follow Pacquiao’s successful career as “people’s champ.”

Many, including Freddie Roach are hoping for Pacquiao to dispatch the bigger Margarito comes fight night. But could it be a walk-in-the-park for Pacquiao? Maybe the answer is on the hands of Pacquiao, known for having sledgehammer-like hands that knocks opponent in total submission.

Manny Pacquiao who is a midget by size according to lil’ Floyd Mayweather Jr., will be hard-pressed to defeat Antonio Margarito who stands at 5’11’’ compared to Pacquiao’s height of 5’6’’ with a body frame slightly smaller than the Mexican fighter. Nonetheless, Team Pacquiao is confident to knock-out Margarito who was once accused of using illegal hand-wraps in his previous fight against Mosley.

Hopefully Pacquiao will still deliver his mastery of the game to show to the world that he is still the boxer people loves to see inside the ring and not as a politician who rubs elbow with fellow lawmakers who have done nothing to improve the lot of the majority of poor Filipino people despite of the billions of pork barrel funds being given to all members of congress.

Congressman Pacquiao is aiming for the number “eight.” Eight championship belts in eight different weight divisions. Incidentally, congressman Pacquiao had just got his extra other 8 when he won a congressional seat last May 10, 2010 election. The number 8 is the official car plate of congressmen in the Philippines. Let’s see if Pacquiao get his record 8 via Antonio Margarito in Dallas, Texas.