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Saturday, June 26, 2010


Anchors aweigh! This is what usually heard during anchor operation when the ship’s anchor had already cleared the seabed and after which the vessel start to move away after staying for a certain period of time in a place where it was safely anchored. Normally, anchor operation is a task initiated by a deck officer assisted by ratings on duty with proper coordination in the bridge headed by the Captain.
As the word implies “Anchors Aweigh” means not only about to sail away but it connotes different meanings or understanding. Bad and good impressions go with the word. First, precedence of good impression is when the Captain himself is true to himself and broadminded. He takes full control of himself and his subordinates with kindness and respect.
And that’s what Captain Jessie Juanico did during the time when I was one of his ratings who witnessed and approved his leadership aboard LPG Tanker Minorca. He put in high regard the interests of his men and the ship itself. Thus the men anchored their trust and confidence to Captain Juanico and together they hollered “Anchors Aweigh” and sailed in unison.
Like in any other story, good times come and go, and so with seafaring. The Captain signed-off after his contract ended. Showing the quality of an officer and a gentleman, Captain Jessie Juanico turned-over his command to the incoming Captain, also from the Philippines.
At first the situation remained normal until suddenly, at the snap of a finger the ship’s aura turned dark. The precedence of bad impression ultimately filled the ship’s atmosphere. The new Captain intentionally has shown his arrogance and egotistic behavior of exaggerated sense of importance and superiority to all his subordinates. Worse, he made it hard for all crews to suffer without fresh water and letting them to use yellowish/rusty water for their daily needs. And shore leave was rare, prompting subordinates to express disapproval.
The Captain’s brand of leadership and doctrine lacks propriety but then seafaring is like any other military establishment where the chain of command always being followed, even if wrongs are part of it. And when everybody hears “Anchors Aweigh” all are up and about to sail with the Master and no questions ask.
The photo shows Captain Jessie Juanico supervises fire drill at the poop deck.