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Monday, December 12, 2011

Back pain treatment, could it be done naturally?

Although, there are many medical bulletin posted in the internet detailing comprehensive explanation about back pain and its causes, symptoms and medical remedies, I would like to share a piece of information regarding herbal treatment that could definitely help ease certain cause of back pain.
Usually, back pain treatment is traditionally done under the meticulous supervision of medical practitioner that applies different remedies to different kinds of back pain. In acute or severe cases, patients undergo surgery to totally ease the excruciating pain. Others, with less severe condition are treated with regular dose of medicine that serves as temporary pain reliever. And, of course the rest take the old Asian traditional medicine.
Back pain studies
There are various studies on back pain and medical experts say that it varies from age, gender and lifestyle. Some studies claim that back pain is common among males and usually affects the middle age and above. But other studies found that there’s no age or gender limit to back pain and anyone can be affected by the excruciating experience borne out by back pain. The only thing that separates back pain sufferers are the causes on how, why and what makes them suffer the bothering condition of back pain.
Causes of back pain
Actually, there are many causes listed in the medical journals or bulletins searchable in the internet like wrong sitting position, improper lifting, strenuous physical activity, obesity, big tummy or beer belly and more. The cause may be determined whether it is chronic or acute, depending on the condition of back pain which could last from weeks to months.
Common remedy to common back pain
 In some point, common problems that causes back pain can be treated at home using the common remedy of cold or hot compress like muscle spasm, muscle stress and fatigue. Body massage is also good like, Shiatsu, Swedish, acupressure and simple hand massage using eucalyptus oil or liniments.  Traditional medicine like fire cupping or glass cupping is also recommended for it gives complete relief to common back pain. This technique manipulates the chi or energy of the human body which directly eases muscle pain. I intentionally omitted acupuncture among the available remedy to common back pain because I haven’t try it and I don’t want to undergo that “needle insertion” thing.
My excruciating experience
I thought I was just having normal back pain due to my regular exercises of lifting weights, bench presses, push-ups, pull-up bar and other physical activity. But I was wrong. Although, I am experiencing frequent urination, I did not give much attention to it until I started to feel moderate to severe back pain especially during bed time. I scanned the internet for immediate understanding about my problem and it bothers me to know that abnormal kidney or bladder function can cause back pain.
Only then I realized that may be I have a problem with abdominal aneurysm, a weakening of aorta responsible for abnormal kidney function, or may be an abnormal bladder that induces frequent urination or more to that effect.
Like other people stricken with back pain, I have to be tough and to overcome the pain without getting proper and appropriate medical help from a doctor. But admittedly my back pain bothers me no end especially so that I know it is my kidney or bladder as the culprit of my on-off back pain, as explained in one of the medical journal posted in the web. It further noted that severe case can only be treated by means of blood pressure medication or surgery to implant a synthetic graft.
Herbal treatment and its positive effect
Well, of course going under the knife and the financial burden that goes with the procedure as mentioned is totally a tall order for an ordinary person like me. So, I hinged my lot on alternative medicine. My senior citizen mother told me to try cat’s whiskers (orthosiphon aristatus) or Java tea, an herbal plant endemic or found in Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. I did not second guess of what really the medicinal value of the plant. And I did not buy a factory made version of cat’s whiskers because my mother have it in our backyard, teeming with green leaves and fresh for the picking.
The positive effect of drinking cat’s whiskers and guava leaves is really consistent with facts and I can attest to its healing properties. My back pain gradually stop after a drinking binge of homemade cocktail laced with cat’s whiskers and guava leaves.
The procedure
1. Normal amount of cat’s whiskers leaves
2. Guava leaves, same amount of cat’s whiskers (optional)
3. Boil the leaves with 10-20 glass of water
4. Wait until the juice appear to its full extraction
5. Drink the concoction based on your given time or during meal time.
6. Lemon (optional)

Note: I add the guava leaves because finding shows that it is good in treating urinary incontinence and so with frequent urination. It also neutralizes the bitter taste of cat’s whiskers. Although, cat’s whisker is diuretics, its specific role is to work on the kidney itself, cleaning it of unwanted properties or toxins forming in the kidney. Lemon is also good to add to balance the bitter taste of the herbal plant.