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Saturday, December 31, 2011



Anchors aweigh! This is what usually heard during anchor operation when the ship’s anchor had already cleared the seabed and after which the vessel start to move away after staying for a certain period of time in a place where it was safely anchored. Normally, anchor operation is a task initiated by a deck officer assisted by ratings on duty with proper coordination in the bridge headed by the Captain.
As the word implies “Anchors Aweigh” means not only about to sail away but it connotes different meanings or understanding. Bad and good impressions go with the word. First, precedence of good impression is when the Captain himself is true to himself and broadminded. He takes full control of himself and his subordinates with kindness and respect.
And that’s what Captain Jessie Juanico did during the time when I was one of his ratings who witnessed and approved his leadership aboard LPG Tanker Minorca. He put in high regard the interests of his men and the ship itself. Thus the men anchored their trust and confidence to Captain Juanico and together they hollered “Anchors Aweigh” and sailed in unison.
Like in any other story, good times come and go, and so with seafaring. It was a happy ending for the officers and crew, no hurt feelings and animosity were planted during the stint of Captain Jessie Juanico. He was one of a kind that anyone could respect.The Captain signed-off after his contract ended. Showing the quality of an officer and a gentleman, Captain Jessie Juanico turned-over his command to the incoming Captain, also from the Philippines.
At first the situation remained normal until suddenly, at the snap of a finger the ship’s aura turned dark. The precedence of bad impression ultimately filled the ship’s atmosphere. The new Captain intentionally has shown his arrogance and egotistic behavior of exaggerated sense of importance and superiority to all his subordinates. Worse, he made it hard for all crews to suffer without fresh water and letting them use yellowish/rusty water for their daily needs. And shore leave was rare, prompting subordinates to express disapproval.
The Captain’s brand of leadership and doctrine lacks propriety but then seafaring is like any other military establishment where the chain of command always being followed, even if wrongs are part of it. And when everybody hears “Anchors Aweigh” all are up and about to sail with the Master and no questions ask.



The danger of berthing or docking operation is always a Master’s concern especially so when the jetty or port is not properly equipped with devices like fixed fenders and manpower or mooring men whose job is to assist a ship maneuvering its way to berth. Aside from this when the jetty or port is awkwardly located in an area where the depth of water is too shallow that there’s no room for ships to maneuver which was the case in Can Tho, Vietnam.
Another concern is that when the Pilot lacks the ability or competence in doing what is appropriate during berthing or docking operation. Sometimes miscommunication between the Pilot and tugboats contribute danger during berthing. This incident actually happened last June 29, 2009 in the early morning of Monday in Can Tho, Vietnam.
Marine Tanker Minorca was there to unload LPG cargo and unfortunately things gone wrong during the ship’s maneuvering. The ship’s portside bow accidentally rammed the jetty’s other side which have no fender attached to it, causing dent to the vessel’s structure and inadvertently moved the jetty’s original position as alleged by the port officials of Vietnam.
The Master blamed the Pilot for his incompetence but the port personnel said otherwise. They asked for payment for the damaged done to their jetty. It was a compromising situation but then it was business as usual and the ship’s cargo was unloaded to the jetty’s depot. Because it was the Master’s concern, he took the incident as a lesson learned.


The first time I encountered the word “APOCALYPSE” was when I joined a bible study in a Christian congregation decades ago which later helped me understand about GOD and EVIL. On the other hand, the word “ESCATHOLOGY” – although an old Greek word translated & entered in the English dictionary – I came to know about the word only recently (January 2010) after reading the popular and intriguing book “EPICENTER” and “INSIDE THE REVOLUTION” both authored by Mr. Joel S. Rosenberg, an American Jew who is advocating Christian faith and peace in the Middle East. And last, the word “SURVIVALSIM” intrigued me most because it points directly to the words of apocalypse and escathology which means doomsday and end times.

As everybody knows, “APOCALYPSE” as defined in the English dictionary means total destruction or devastation. In the Book of Revelation of the Holy Bible, it mentioned the word “ARMAGGEDON” which means the battle between the forces of good and evil that is predicted to mark the end of the world and precede the Day of Judgment. (Revelation 16:16).

However, aside from the Bible, many interpretations and explanations about the word “APOCALYPSE” were written and shown in so many publications, investigative research, scientific research, media presentations and in Hollywood movies. The different studies about the word are so complicated that even the Discovery channel has its own version of “APOCALYPSE” and that is the possibility of a giant Asteroid hitting our beloved planet Earth.

Whilst most of us are aware of what apocalypse is all about, another intriguing word is somewhat not in our radar screen of general information and that is “ESCATHOLOGY,” made popular by Mr. Joel S. Rosenberg in his books “EPICENTER” and “INSIDE THE REVOLUTION” and other equally great master pieces he had written in the last years.  

In his books, Mr. Rosenberg described the end times or eschatology that was prophesied in the Book of Ezekiel of the Holy Bible. According to him, some Islamic countries together with Russia will make war with Israel and the US will just stand idly by and watch the conquering forces annihilate Israel but in the end GOD with his full might and heavenly power will help Israel inflict untold misery, sufferings and death against the invading armies of the enemy.

Although, apocalypse and eschatology are two Greek words with different meaning or interpretation but with almost the same result of doomsday prophesy, majority of the people from around the world do not believe such things exist because in today’s world, non-believers outnumber believers but not in Oregon, USA.

According to the AFP report which was published in a local newspaper in the Philippines last July 12, 2010 (Monday), a man named Mr. Jerry Erwin, Mr. Jim Rawles and others like them are now preparing the doomsday scenario, a catastrophic societal collapse that is likely to happen in their lifetime. They call themselves as “preppers,” “doomers” and “survivalists.”

Here, the word “SURVIVALISM” takes precedence and Mr. Erwin, Mr. Rawles and others like them have taken a variety of different approaches to prepare for the coming apocalypse. They see political upheaval and natural disasters as signs of the impending doom of civilization. For one, they adopted Christian-influenced approach, isolationist and self reliant approach to cement their belief and sever their reliance from the outside world.

As I tried to understand these things in my own personal view I came to conclude that “SURVIVALISM” is the reckoning point for Mr. Erwin and Mr. Jim Rawles and the rest of their followers. In fact Mr. Jim Rawles is called “the patron saint of survivalism” by Mr. Erwin himself. The selfless Mr. Rawles can be reached in his website


Lastly, it’s up to you readers to believe or not to believe but all I can say is that the words “apocalypse,” “escathology” and “survivalism will stay and who knows we might as well be a part of the unfolding prophecy. 2012, nuclear armed Iran and the re-emerging power of Russia, anyone?

Taiwan revisited

Chichi Train Station
Taiwan is not only known for their bustling cities of lights and sounds, of technology and innovation, but Taiwan is also known for their rural tourism attraction that draws both local and foreign tourists which helps boost Taiwan as one of the best tourism destinations in the world. Central Taiwan is one of the country’s best places to visit around the island nation of 23 million people of diverse culture and ethnic groups.
Visiting Central Taiwan is a must especially Chichi, Nantou which offer visitors one of a kind touring experience. This rustic place is a historic landmark that dates back in the Japanese era where they built the now popular Chichi or Jiji train Station. The train station is a picturesque landmark of attraction and self expression of poetic thoughts and narrative ideas.
Tourists can sit, relax or even nap in the train station’s comfortable sitting area while waiting for the train to arrive. One can chill by having a drink or two of the train station’s free cold water. Foods and drinks are also being offered in stores nearby. The locals are friendly and simply the best to have a conversation with.
The railway itself is a great experience to see, for it is fun for any tourists to take memorable pictures. The railroad tracks’ design commands serene beauty because it passes through tunnels, greenery, attractive houses, farmlands and clean river in the Ershui locality. The train, likewise, offers good and safe ride from and to the place of destination.
Tourists can also visit the cable bridge connecting Chichi and Shuili. The imposing bridge is only few meters away from the Chichi train station. A safe walk going to the bridge from the station is a wise decision. The cable bridge exudes elegance and beautiful structural design which is perfect for picture taking and for relaxing while viewing the vast expanse of the structure and the river that flow underneath.
Night market is also an added attraction in Chichi district where visitors are treated to a night of festive activities. Vendors in their “vehicle stores” line –up the long strip of road catering to various customers. Different items are being sold in the night market, like clothes, shoes, gadgets and other products that draw interest from buyers especially tourists. Night market is not complete without the usual food stalls serving delectable Taiwanese foods. A hot serving of various dishes really is an experience to die for. Gastronomic will experience Taiwanese dishes at its best and think of coming back for more.
Aside from Chichi train station, Taiwan offers various tourist attractions in different locations encompassing the whole island nation. Visitors can have their shopping in cities like Taichung, Taipei, Hsinchu, Kaohsiung, Tainan, the oldest city of Taiwan and other shopping district. Tourists can feel the charm of Taiwan’s rustic beauty by visiting Taitung, Hualien, Pingtung and yes Chichi, Nantou and other popular rural areas gifted with natural beauty and mystique.
Taiwan for sure is worth visiting not only for the frequent travelers but for all people eager to discover the island nation that pride itself for having ethnic and cultural diversity long established before Taiwan became an economic tiger of Asia and the rest of the world.



Well, practically seafaring job is one of the best professions in the world which offers a lot of great opportunity. And perhaps unequalled, because to join one would be able to experience life at its best: Good salary in US dollars, meet with different nationalities, see various countries and cultures, explore the “seven seas” (or the “5 oceans”) and of course a secure life upon retirement.
These are the reasons why men and women in known countries including the Philippines that supplies great number of seafarers to the world’s shipping industry are queuing-up in manning agencies hoping to land a job at sea. In the archipelagic country like the Philippines, seafaring job is an attractive opportunity because first of all it is free to apply; only that credential and competency are the one strictly required.
Foreign employers represented by manning agencies mostly located in Metro Manila Philippines, are implementing these rules or policies to protect all applicants from paying placement fee and to maintain the high standard of qualification of all seafarers. In this particular issue, it seems that the rules or policies are good and beyond question the fact that it implies favorable advantage to all stakeholders.
Indeed through this long-established system, seafaring jobs continue to grow except that also through this means, under-the-table transaction of applying for a job at sea has long been part of the system and likewise increasing in numbers. And why is it so? The problem can be traced to the air-conditioned offices of manning agencies with people milling around as crewing managers, assistants, secretaries, or even utilities stricken with “emphatic crewing syndrome.”
The syndrome is exacting that the rule run like these: “whom you know, not what you know” “back-up me you,” “protégé,” “patronage,” “close connection” and other forms of “empathic crewing syndrome” the one that “you scratch my back and I will scratch yours.”
This is an open secret in the crewing industry; an exposed and disgusting wide-opened “sea chest” of “emphatic crewing syndrome.” Applicants near the seat of “office power” easily hurdles the quest of getting a job at sea and immediately deployed even without the appropriate credential and competency. Others, who have no connections but qualified are feted to the worst kind of treatment especially RATINGS.
The RATINGS or the lesser mortals in the seafaring industry are the most affected by this kind of ignominy. They are subjected to some kind of immeasurable hopelessness, desperation or failure because applying for a seafaring job is a long & tricky rough sea to hurdle irreparably effected by the “emphatic crewing syndrome.”

The code of Omerta

According to Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia in the internet, Omertà implies “the categorical prohibition of cooperation with state authorities or reliance on its services, even when one has been victim of a crime. Even if somebody is convicted for a crime he has not committed, he is supposed to serve the sentence without giving the police any information about the real criminal, even if that criminal has nothing to do with the Mafia himself. Within Mafia culture, breaking omertà is punishable by death.
To insiders and outsiders, the code of omerta is also known as the code of silence. This mafia code, however, has evolved since it was adapted by crime syndicates in Europe particularly in Sicily and other parts of Italy during the 16th century. Because the code has benefited much of the mafia bosses and the criminal organizations they belong, it became the epitome for others to follow the code through which the authorities themselves adapted it as part of their strict implementations of certain rules.

The code of omerta, however, did not only made inroad in the inner structure but it influenced governments, military organizations, school fraternities and street gangs and the corporate or business community especially the shipping industry. Governments anywhere in the world had perfected the code of omerta, giving rise to the many anomalies and killings committed by despots and rogue states.

The military organizations, known for their strict discipline and code of honor, have easily adapted and honed the code of omerta. Soldiers are required to adhere and strictly follow the code. The one that “what you hear, what you see, leave it here,” kind of dictum, or the explicit “see no evil, hear no evil” explanation. Clearly, the principle and philosophical aspect of omerta is what bind the military to the code of silence.

Fraternities, gangs and the shipping industry were equally in good rankings among the followers of the Mafia code. They have the same thinking and inclination towards the code of omerta which protects their interests and standings in a place they called theirs. To glean on the background of fraternities and gangs make us understand that their version of the code of omerta is for stronger brotherhood but sometimes fatalistic in nature.

On the other hand, the shipping industry is more than a follower of the Mafia code. For those who may not know, the shipping industry is the Taliban version of the business sector. They do not only strictly adhere to the dictum of the code of omerta but they are enforcing the more severe form of gag order to all seafarers particularly on ratings and junior officers.

In other words, the shipping industry mostly in tanker, bulk, cargo and other vessels with the same operations usually do not conform to the United Nations Human Rights Convention of protecting the basic human rights of all citizens of the world. According to a local TV report which was aired months ago, most of the time, seafarers were experiencing gag orders from the higher ups.

Just like in any government, military and other sectors, shenanigans are prevalent in the shipping industry. Nobody is allowed to bring up issues that concern the operations of the vessel, more so on LPG Tanker vessel. Anyone found guilty of breaking the code of omerta is dealt with severely, either by suspension or revocation of contract. There’s no Ifs or Buts. The “see no evil, hear no evil” is the standard rule and applies to all ratings and some officers.

I, myself have suffered the fate of rudeness after I posted articles regarding my experience in my short stint as a crew of an LPG Tanker based in Singapore. I was ordered by the shipping agency to delete 4 of my articles to which I complied. I took it as a mere gesture of propriety. But most of seafarers actually fear of losing employment that is why they too had become the accidental followers of the code of omerta. Obviously, bigots and oppressive people are really hard to crack.

The dos and donts of courtship

Steps to Avoid in Courting a Woman’s Nod

Basically, people still believe the intrinsic form of courtship which in most cases remains as a way of getting into a relationship. And that is a fact. But in today’s modern world, changes had been a factor that influences the very form of courtship. And that is a fact also.
Courtship, in layman’s term and in my own understanding, is the expression of one’s feeling to a woman whom a man cares and loves. And that’s the most exciting part of it. However, because of modern culture that we have now, courtship in the truest sense has become more complicated than the previous times.
The following are some of the explanations based on personal experience taken from my old and recent encounter of courting a woman’s nod. I was actually rejected 3x.
THE DON’TS: 1.Do not expresses sincerity and truthfulness 2. Do not brag your clean living lifestyle 3. Do not say flattering remarks (ex. You are beautiful, simple, brave etc.) 4. Do not say the “I Love You” often because women of today are prone to “sweet-message” fatigue. 5. Do not impress her of your swear words, because, again women are easily annoyed by that kind of courtship tactics. 6. And last but not the least; do not fool your self that you will win her love hands down.
THE DOS: 1. Pretend to be somebody 2. Be gorgeous looking yet animalistic inside 3. Be superficially simple but rough inside 4. Be a talker and giddy to impress the girl 5. Speak like a rocker without seriousness 6. Be a lover boy because it’s the in thing. Women look for sexually active partners 7. Be armed with gadgets to take videos of your sexual tryst. 8. Be a cigar-puffing fellow to show your macho-like personality. 9. And last but not the least just plays the girl’s game and you will win her love.
The dos are based on actual interviews shared by indefatigable individuals I’ve met in gatherings and in trainings only recently.

Hereos of history

US General Douglas McArthur landed in the province of Leyte, Philippines on October 20,1944 and liberated the country in one of the greatest battle ever recorded in history.

When I learned about the world history
During which time I was in school to study
I cherished the years for it changed my life completely
Because it filled my knowledge of discernment and literacy

I came to know the facts behind in every story
Which later abduct the ignorance hiding in me
Only to appreciate the inspiring and complex nature of history

History books not only gave me knowledge
But it inflamed my passion to read
Especially after knowing the life of heroes who lived before me

Actually, one of the heroes intrigued me
His name is a familiar figure in every history class we see
His storied life was put into prominence
Because many believes he deserved the status of a hero

The hero’s name is no other than General Douglas McArthur
A decorated war hero who changed nations at war
Known for the famous promise of “I shall return”

The General put emphasis on liberation and peace
He caused to end sorrows and miseries
But not after winning the war with selfless means and grace

The war hero greatly defended what he stands for
Like what other renowned heroes did before
Although, his exemplary deed was above the rest for sure
Only a few men of known stature followed the courageous path of General McArthur

But over the ages the interest on the life of General McArthur fade
The peoples’ perception on him waned
His proud statue in Southern Philippines could not even make a difference
To inspire young generation hostage by modern living

Perhaps cultural evolution made it happen
For the young generation to refrain
From discovering untold story of heroes
That would rather give inspiration to them

They idolize known personalities of their generation
From rock stars to showbiz and sports personalities
Suspected of having identity crisis of their own
Nonetheless, they are treated as heroes
Immortalize in the name of reverence and the opulence of cult following

It might be said that others would’ve been inspired
By some heroes who directly influenced their lives
That fairly affected the nuances even of the feared fundamentalists
From time to time wrecking havoc and living in our midst

True enough for this present generation
Heroes continue to grow
Men of different persuasions create heroes to show
That theirs is of high caliber than the rest
Deserving great attention and respect

But heroes are not all heroes after all
Some of them are part of global trend of evolving culture
Derive from the popularity cult of stars and leaders of deviant groups
Enjoying immense following from various respective groups

Lucky are those so called heroes of this generation
They are pampered with opulent display of affection
By no less than the rabid supporters who look up to this men in shining armor

But in the end I tend not to prolong my ambivalence
Of knowing who the real heroes are
I delve not who among the greats are
But one thing for sure, history books gave me the idea who they really are.

The ode of Sadie

Born is a baby girl to a poor family
The parents named the baby, Sadie
Sadie is the first born of a struggling young couple
Bereft of wealth but promised not to forsake the cuddly baby

Bringing-up the baby is not easy
For a young couple yet to establish their new family
Because limited resources get in the way
But Sadie’s constant care is closely watch
To make her a better person when she grow-up
Every minute every day, Sadie’s situation is there to see
By her loving parents who love her dearly

Baby Sadie completes a happy family
Her smile brings joy to everybody
Her cries call sound of care and affection
Her tantrums seek loving arms and unconditional attention
Her typical baby movement is a cute baby expression
The mere presence of Sadie gives her parents strength
Her emotions serve as motivation to them
Her laughter covers the gloomy atmosphere at home
Baby Sadie really is the family’s inspiration

Good melody is Sadie’s sleep routine
Lullabies bring her to lull in perfect harmony
Especially when she’s in a white linen hammock
That slowly and continuously swings
Taking her to a good sleep and “baby dream”

Grateful is the family of Sadie
When she came in this world free
Free from defects and abnormality
Free from disease and deformity
Free from harm and tragedy

Although, Sadie was born free of malady
She did not escape from the family’s lingering poverty
Surviving in meager subsistence just to stay
Serious is the family to make headway
To rise and raise their child Sadie in successful way

Sadie draws emotional and strong attachment
To her parents’ undying love and avowed commitment
Reason why she’s always in full protection and care
Unlike other children thrown and abandoned in adoption center
Suffering and without parents to care for them

Baby Sadie remains fortunate though
She lives with her family comfortably through
Giggles in usual manner of mother and child connection
Plays old and broken toys with her small and soft hands
Learning few common words like papa and mama
Saying it repeatedly in front of all

Sadie is like other ordinary child
She loves to cling on her mother’s embracing arms
She does not want to separate from her mom
She cries when stranger come
But settle down in a relax form after the stranger is gone

Sadie is no grumpy compare to other baby
She is easy to appease and easy to calm down
Especially when she feed on her mother’s breast milk
That helps her grow normal and healthy

After all, Sadie is the symbol of love that binds her family together
She is the source of moral strength and happiness
She is the power that brighten depression and sadness
She is the force that move emotion of anger to kindness
She helps prevent misunderstanding and debates
She enlighten the feeling of resentment
And she is the baby that her parents have been dreaming
To be part of a happy family that will live until the rest of their existence.

Living in the Village

Rustic is the life in the Village
Where it is idle and subdued but quite happy
Where families live in huts comfortably
Where the way of life is humble and not haughty
Where strangers are welcome with courtesy

Beautiful is the scene in the Village
Where grassland compliment the awesome scenery
Where trees standing and swaying gracefully
Where farmlands keep farmers busy
Where animals graze and move around freely

Serene is the place in the Village
Where quiet surrounding is deafening
Where astounding landscape is calm but not boring
Where foliage covers wide range of tranquility
Where greenery is full of life to meander

Pleasing sounds pervade in the Village
Where birds chirp in their exquisite form
Where roosters crow at dawn
Where gecko-like creatures emit sound atop the coconut tree
Where river flows in enthralling sound
Where waterfalls cascades loud

Eerie is the night in the Village
Where complete darkness is a little scary
Where little creatures creep
Where crickets disquiet the night
Where kerosene lamp remain as the only light

Relaxing is the day in the Village
Where fresh air soothe the inner sense of the human body
Where clean and cold stream attract for a good therapeutic swim
Where ordinary things exist unmolested by modern living
Where folks are friendly and accommodating

Challenging is the life in the Village
Where human activity is hard but dauntless
Where slow pace of life persist
Where old system of things remain unchanged
Where human development is very low
Where education is totally absent for folks to grow

Poignant is the services in the Village
Where basic services are not available
Where government help is indispensable
Where health and sanitation services are nil
Where outhouse and bushes are the usual place to address the call of nature
Where basic needs are seldom to get by

Nature is the only luxury in the Village
Where unadulterated farm produce and meat products comes natural
Where expensive bottled water is none at all
Where water springs flows eternal
Where cooking is usually done by using firewood

Love of nature is important in the Village
Where folks use old farm implements
Where forest and rivers are protected
Where slush and burn is avoided
Where hunting of protected species are discouraged

Foremost is the peace and order in the Village
Where village elders keep understanding and unity
Where folks practice traits of giving and caring
Where wrongdoings do not make up the village
Where cooperation unites the folks together

Coexistence prevails in the Village
Where folks live in typical rustic life
Where domestic and wild animals feed in usual mode of animal life
Where distribution of nature’s wealth are reap even
Where nature accommodate all creatures living therein

Exploring is worth trying in the village
Where the daily grind of urban life is temporarily deleted
Where soul searching is absolutely solemn
Where appreciation of life is easily understood
Where resting under the mighty tree brings recollection of happy memories
Where walking along the trails boost self confidence
Where self imposed exile in the village help appreciate everything.

The American Dream

I really don’t know why the “American dream” still lives on despite of the fact that Uncle Sam is hard-up in putting his house in order. Maybe Uncle Sam himself has all the answers and knows quite well that America remain the destination of choice for foreigners seeking greener pastures and U.S. citizenship, the two important goals of would be immigrant.
To be honest, I also tried to seek a promising future in Uncle Sam’s land of opportunity but I wasn’t as fortunate as the others who were able to take their oath of allegiance to the Stars and Stripes and proudly sang The Star-Spangled Banner hymn.
N’yet, I did not fret when I came up short in setting my goals to reach the “depot station” (US Embassy). It was really hard facing the maze-like “obstacles” (required US Immigration documents), compounded by the financial difficulties that goes with it which ultimately derailed everything in catching up the “chugging train” (American dream) full of “passengers” (immigrants) ready to live and settle for good in the land of the greenbacks with the words “In God we trust” printed on it.
The dream
Yes Indeed, I trusted God for all the time spent in realizing the dream but unfortunately, none of it happened though. Nonetheless, I intermittently pursued the dream only to suffer losses in between tries.
The US Navy
The Philippines was once home to the biggest US military base outside of North America and its Naval facility stationed in Subic Zambales, has been a staging point for Filipino recruits willing to join the US Navy with promising rewards including that of outright US citizenship. The US Navy regularly recruits graduating high school students and I am one of those excited young fellows eager to join the once in a lifetime adventure aboard huge naval ship. But, what the heck…my two tries were not impressive; my low score in written examinations nailed my chances to say “AHOY” atop the massive deck.
The US Army

Mother Earth

When the earth was created
And so with the living things existed
That’s what the believers of the living God says
But Charles Darwin and his followers maintain
That the Big bang theory and evolution made it happen
For the universe and the planet earth to appear
Like magic in a snap of a finger

Believers and non believers present long arguments
About faith and mundane doctrine
However, understanding and debates about earth do not end between them
Various study groups demonstrate interest on mother earth
Foremost are the environmental groups
Advocating unequivocal support for mother earth
To protect the remaining rain forest from total denudation
To protect the wide blue ocean from poachers and pollution
To protect acres of pristine lands from destructive mining
To protect the environment from all harmful things to alleviate global warming
And to save the planet earth from absolute damage

Other interest groups love to do the opposite
Like big time multi mining companies
Destroying huge tracts of land to extract minerals
Encroaching on habitat of indigenous people and all living things
Fell trees for them to clear the vegetation
Level the mountains for their mining operation

Logger concessionaires and illegal loggers alike are cutting down trees
To process in sawmills built in the middle of the greeneries
Disregarding the importance of trees to the environment
That causes destruction to the villagers’ lives and settlement
And the flora and fauna that makes the lush environment

Different sectors are also to blame for nature’s continuing decline
Rich developers convert farmlands to exclusive golf courses and high end residential buildings
Industrial and household wastes are everywhere, putting at risk the health of earthlings
Substandard products laced with harmful chemicals are all over the place
Spray chemicals remain as tools in growing fruits and vegetables
Meat and poultry products injected with hazardous chemicals or additives
Plastic products are widely used, making it the most in residual waste
And other unimaginable things that hurt the earth’s natural foundation

Mother earth is really in bad shape
That is why natural calamities occur often in devastating shake
Killing people and destroying properties in an instant take
There’s no one to blame in this particular situation
But the people themselves who continue to harm mother earth’s condition
For the faithful, this is God’s reminder to give back to mother earth’s care and protection
For the non believers, maybe a word of spell or incantation will do the magic to give back life to earth again.

The making of a Millionaire

It is really not surprising if wealthy people from around the world are increasing significantly. In spite of the economic crisis affecting the world, news story of nouveau riche continue to make headlines. Prominent of them of course are the rugs to riches stories, educated biz-wizards, professional athletes and showbiz stars. In the underworld side are the schemers, scum bugs, drug syndicates, human smugglers, money launderers and small time swindlers scattered around the world. Of course the list makes longer because there are the so called “game of chance” millionaires who are lotto jackpot winners and well, maybe the casino gamblers?
Like them, to be wealthy is everybody’s goal or aspiration. In essence, the objective is to improve the status in life and to have a secure future. But for others, wealth is a statement of fame, power, influence and abuse that desecrate the real meaning of humility and pride. They give importance to want rather than need. Thus, wealth comes up with different application and possession. Either way, wealth is a prognosis of a person’s building character on how he handles it.
How to become a Millionaire
Actually, there are many ways that point us to the “paradise of great abundance,” only that we have to choose which way is more convenient to pass for us to reach that paradise of wealth. Most of the time the complex and circuitous way of life makes people to change course rather than take the usual route which eventually lead them to do their contrive plan of acquiring wealth.
Religion, sect, church
“Though shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold Him guiltless that takes His name in vain”
Unfortunately, this is not the case because there are people who invest in religion to acquire wealth. Different religious sects are using the name of God in their scheme to deceive and bleed the followers of their hard earned money. In the Philippines alone, there are four major religious sects known to be multi-millionaires or if not billionaires. The leaders of these sects are literally living in the “paradise of great abundance,” free of tax of course.
Creating a religious sect is a zero investment, only the use of God’s name will do the trick and money will flow like fresh milk taken from the domesticated poor bovine. No education required. Mastery of Bible texts, good speech presentation and perfect body language are the other tricks to accumulate wealth. .
Politics, government service
Joining politics and in government service is a rewarding career. Although, honesty, service and responsibility are the basic principles in government and appointed position, self interest comes first. Most people in these institutions are governed by selfish intention to get rich at the expense of the nation’s wealth and resources. To join in these institutions one needs real investment and usually the return is hundred times of what a person in government service had invested. So, in a very short time of self interest driven career in government, one will become wealthy, no doubt about it. It is very clear that everything is possible to be a millionaire; the path is wide open for all to try by hook or by crook.