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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Mother Earth

When the earth was created
And so with the living things existed
That’s what the believers of the living God says
But Charles Darwin and his followers maintain
That the Big bang theory and evolution made it happen
For the universe and the planet earth to appear
Like magic in a snap of a finger

Believers and non believers present long arguments
About faith and mundane doctrine
However, understanding and debates about earth do not end between them
Various study groups demonstrate interest on mother earth
Foremost are the environmental groups
Advocating unequivocal support for mother earth
To protect the remaining rain forest from total denudation
To protect the wide blue ocean from poachers and pollution
To protect acres of pristine lands from destructive mining
To protect the environment from all harmful things to alleviate global warming
And to save the planet earth from absolute damage

Other interest groups love to do the opposite
Like big time multi mining companies
Destroying huge tracts of land to extract minerals
Encroaching on habitat of indigenous people and all living things
Fell trees for them to clear the vegetation
Level the mountains for their mining operation

Logger concessionaires and illegal loggers alike are cutting down trees
To process in sawmills built in the middle of the greeneries
Disregarding the importance of trees to the environment
That causes destruction to the villagers’ lives and settlement
And the flora and fauna that makes the lush environment

Different sectors are also to blame for nature’s continuing decline
Rich developers convert farmlands to exclusive golf courses and high end residential buildings
Industrial and household wastes are everywhere, putting at risk the health of earthlings
Substandard products laced with harmful chemicals are all over the place
Spray chemicals remain as tools in growing fruits and vegetables
Meat and poultry products injected with hazardous chemicals or additives
Plastic products are widely used, making it the most in residual waste
And other unimaginable things that hurt the earth’s natural foundation

Mother earth is really in bad shape
That is why natural calamities occur often in devastating shake
Killing people and destroying properties in an instant take
There’s no one to blame in this particular situation
But the people themselves who continue to harm mother earth’s condition
For the faithful, this is God’s reminder to give back to mother earth’s care and protection
For the non believers, maybe a word of spell or incantation will do the magic to give back life to earth again.

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