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Saturday, December 31, 2011

The American Dream

I really don’t know why the “American dream” still lives on despite of the fact that Uncle Sam is hard-up in putting his house in order. Maybe Uncle Sam himself has all the answers and knows quite well that America remain the destination of choice for foreigners seeking greener pastures and U.S. citizenship, the two important goals of would be immigrant.
To be honest, I also tried to seek a promising future in Uncle Sam’s land of opportunity but I wasn’t as fortunate as the others who were able to take their oath of allegiance to the Stars and Stripes and proudly sang The Star-Spangled Banner hymn.
N’yet, I did not fret when I came up short in setting my goals to reach the “depot station” (US Embassy). It was really hard facing the maze-like “obstacles” (required US Immigration documents), compounded by the financial difficulties that goes with it which ultimately derailed everything in catching up the “chugging train” (American dream) full of “passengers” (immigrants) ready to live and settle for good in the land of the greenbacks with the words “In God we trust” printed on it.
The dream
Yes Indeed, I trusted God for all the time spent in realizing the dream but unfortunately, none of it happened though. Nonetheless, I intermittently pursued the dream only to suffer losses in between tries.
The US Navy
The Philippines was once home to the biggest US military base outside of North America and its Naval facility stationed in Subic Zambales, has been a staging point for Filipino recruits willing to join the US Navy with promising rewards including that of outright US citizenship. The US Navy regularly recruits graduating high school students and I am one of those excited young fellows eager to join the once in a lifetime adventure aboard huge naval ship. But, what the heck…my two tries were not impressive; my low score in written examinations nailed my chances to say “AHOY” atop the massive deck.
The US Army

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