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Saturday, December 31, 2011

The dos and donts of courtship

Steps to Avoid in Courting a Woman’s Nod

Basically, people still believe the intrinsic form of courtship which in most cases remains as a way of getting into a relationship. And that is a fact. But in today’s modern world, changes had been a factor that influences the very form of courtship. And that is a fact also.
Courtship, in layman’s term and in my own understanding, is the expression of one’s feeling to a woman whom a man cares and loves. And that’s the most exciting part of it. However, because of modern culture that we have now, courtship in the truest sense has become more complicated than the previous times.
The following are some of the explanations based on personal experience taken from my old and recent encounter of courting a woman’s nod. I was actually rejected 3x.
THE DON’TS: 1.Do not expresses sincerity and truthfulness 2. Do not brag your clean living lifestyle 3. Do not say flattering remarks (ex. You are beautiful, simple, brave etc.) 4. Do not say the “I Love You” often because women of today are prone to “sweet-message” fatigue. 5. Do not impress her of your swear words, because, again women are easily annoyed by that kind of courtship tactics. 6. And last but not the least; do not fool your self that you will win her love hands down.
THE DOS: 1. Pretend to be somebody 2. Be gorgeous looking yet animalistic inside 3. Be superficially simple but rough inside 4. Be a talker and giddy to impress the girl 5. Speak like a rocker without seriousness 6. Be a lover boy because it’s the in thing. Women look for sexually active partners 7. Be armed with gadgets to take videos of your sexual tryst. 8. Be a cigar-puffing fellow to show your macho-like personality. 9. And last but not the least just plays the girl’s game and you will win her love.
The dos are based on actual interviews shared by indefatigable individuals I’ve met in gatherings and in trainings only recently.

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