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Saturday, December 31, 2011

The making of a Millionaire

It is really not surprising if wealthy people from around the world are increasing significantly. In spite of the economic crisis affecting the world, news story of nouveau riche continue to make headlines. Prominent of them of course are the rugs to riches stories, educated biz-wizards, professional athletes and showbiz stars. In the underworld side are the schemers, scum bugs, drug syndicates, human smugglers, money launderers and small time swindlers scattered around the world. Of course the list makes longer because there are the so called “game of chance” millionaires who are lotto jackpot winners and well, maybe the casino gamblers?
Like them, to be wealthy is everybody’s goal or aspiration. In essence, the objective is to improve the status in life and to have a secure future. But for others, wealth is a statement of fame, power, influence and abuse that desecrate the real meaning of humility and pride. They give importance to want rather than need. Thus, wealth comes up with different application and possession. Either way, wealth is a prognosis of a person’s building character on how he handles it.
How to become a Millionaire
Actually, there are many ways that point us to the “paradise of great abundance,” only that we have to choose which way is more convenient to pass for us to reach that paradise of wealth. Most of the time the complex and circuitous way of life makes people to change course rather than take the usual route which eventually lead them to do their contrive plan of acquiring wealth.
Religion, sect, church
“Though shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold Him guiltless that takes His name in vain”
Unfortunately, this is not the case because there are people who invest in religion to acquire wealth. Different religious sects are using the name of God in their scheme to deceive and bleed the followers of their hard earned money. In the Philippines alone, there are four major religious sects known to be multi-millionaires or if not billionaires. The leaders of these sects are literally living in the “paradise of great abundance,” free of tax of course.
Creating a religious sect is a zero investment, only the use of God’s name will do the trick and money will flow like fresh milk taken from the domesticated poor bovine. No education required. Mastery of Bible texts, good speech presentation and perfect body language are the other tricks to accumulate wealth. .
Politics, government service
Joining politics and in government service is a rewarding career. Although, honesty, service and responsibility are the basic principles in government and appointed position, self interest comes first. Most people in these institutions are governed by selfish intention to get rich at the expense of the nation’s wealth and resources. To join in these institutions one needs real investment and usually the return is hundred times of what a person in government service had invested. So, in a very short time of self interest driven career in government, one will become wealthy, no doubt about it. It is very clear that everything is possible to be a millionaire; the path is wide open for all to try by hook or by crook.

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