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Monday, June 28, 2010


A month after the first automated general elections was held, apparently the Filipino nation is rejoicing because this coming June 30, 2010 would be the dawn of a new day for the Philippines which had been at the mercy of its crook politicians longer than the poor people could remember.
The inauguration of the incoming president and vice president will commence right in front of invited world leaders, guests and local and international media. Seemingly, everyone is eager to witness the turn-over of power from one dirty hand to another.
As expected the incoming President Noynoy Aquino will recite his promised campaign speeches that he will fight and stop corruption and do away with transactional politics which was part of the legacy of the outgoing president. Some quarters say that a new beginning will unfold and bring drastic change in the government after nine years of impunity and evil.
But based on the system of things prevailing in this God forsaken country, the Philippines could not match or compete against its Asian neighbors simply because political dynasties, showbiz personalities cum politicos and the elite class rules the country with regularity. These elite members of society do not want the country to achieve progress and development because they are afraid of losing their power, clout, influence and evil intentions.
They deliberately stall or impede the peoples’ will to survive and gain high standard of living by not equally distributing the country’s wealth. Instead, the political elite and their subalterns continuously bleed the country of its wealth by holding onto power in their lifetime.
And because most of the people are poor, illiterate, homeless, landless and powerless, the political elite, showbiz personalities cum politicos created them to become idolaters. The gullible idolaters often vote into office the political elite and showbiz people cum politicos with shameful regularity. This political circus has completely stalled the Philippines resolve to have social, economic and political maturity. May God help the Philippines in this new beginning?