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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hereos of history

US General Douglas McArthur landed in the province of Leyte, Philippines on October 20,1944 and liberated the country in one of the greatest battle ever recorded in history.

When I learned about the world history
During which time I was in school to study
I cherished the years for it changed my life completely
Because it filled my knowledge of discernment and literacy

I came to know the facts behind in every story
Which later abduct the ignorance hiding in me
Only to appreciate the inspiring and complex nature of history

History books not only gave me knowledge
But it inflamed my passion to read
Especially after knowing the life of heroes who lived before me

Actually, one of the heroes intrigued me
His name is a familiar figure in every history class we see
His storied life was put into prominence
Because many believes he deserved the status of a hero

The hero’s name is no other than General Douglas McArthur
A decorated war hero who changed nations at war
Known for the famous promise of “I shall return”

The General put emphasis on liberation and peace
He caused to end sorrows and miseries
But not after winning the war with selfless means and grace

The war hero greatly defended what he stands for
Like what other renowned heroes did before
Although, his exemplary deed was above the rest for sure
Only a few men of known stature followed the courageous path of General McArthur

But over the ages the interest on the life of General McArthur fade
The peoples’ perception on him waned
His proud statue in Southern Philippines could not even make a difference
To inspire young generation hostage by modern living

Perhaps cultural evolution made it happen
For the young generation to refrain
From discovering untold story of heroes
That would rather give inspiration to them

They idolize known personalities of their generation
From rock stars to showbiz and sports personalities
Suspected of having identity crisis of their own
Nonetheless, they are treated as heroes
Immortalize in the name of reverence and the opulence of cult following

It might be said that others would’ve been inspired
By some heroes who directly influenced their lives
That fairly affected the nuances even of the feared fundamentalists
From time to time wrecking havoc and living in our midst

True enough for this present generation
Heroes continue to grow
Men of different persuasions create heroes to show
That theirs is of high caliber than the rest
Deserving great attention and respect

But heroes are not all heroes after all
Some of them are part of global trend of evolving culture
Derive from the popularity cult of stars and leaders of deviant groups
Enjoying immense following from various respective groups

Lucky are those so called heroes of this generation
They are pampered with opulent display of affection
By no less than the rabid supporters who look up to this men in shining armor

But in the end I tend not to prolong my ambivalence
Of knowing who the real heroes are
I delve not who among the greats are
But one thing for sure, history books gave me the idea who they really are.

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