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Saturday, August 6, 2016

Let’s get Federal

 There’s should be no more dilly-dallying for our country to get Federal
President Duterte’s honest intention for the country is just and moral
Because under the Federal system, the wealth of the country will be shared equal
Imperial Manila will no longer serve as collector of wealth and not inimical
To the wishes of the nation who have long suffered from the clutches of the elites of a feral

Doing away with the prevailing system is the only way for the country to get to the pedestal
This is the time to demolish the structure of hate, neglect and inequality considered immoral
Total emancipation from the unitary system is of the essence, for the nation to move & be focal
Focusing on the bigger picture of the Federal system must be positive as normal
So as to realize the dreams of the Filipino people as one nation under Federal

Now is the time to support President Duterte’s battle cry of going Federal
Delaying or railroading it will bring the nation to nowhere but in a corral
That is full of debacle and will go on eternal
Putting the country in constant derision from its neighbors and the world in general
Satisfying the oligarchs, the elites and the scheming individuals in high places of the cynical

Thus, the Filipino nation needs enlightenment on the issue and to make it formal
Approval of the Filipino nation is what necessitate in going Federal
The compelling urgency to change the system of government is so critical
Pursuing it now will be more prudent and practical
So let us support President Duterte now and let’s get Federal.

By: Boyet Ariza®

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