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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

 Shore leave is not only the one that keep seafarers spend their free time. Fishing on deck is also part of their activity during the time when the ship is anchored off the berthing area. Fishing actually relaxes the mind and body after rendering four hours of duty. Excitement and joy filled the poop deck every time fish is pulled out of the water using hook attached to a string.

During daytime fishing is not easy to do unless one has patience. But night time is more exciting because not only fish is being caught but various sizes of squid which is more than attracted to the ship’s lights. Squids and fish playfully swims and flips right on the spot of light that beams through the water. Catching these sea creatures right on the spot is a delight to sailors because its fresh meat gives tasteful eating binge accompanied with cool beer on the table.


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