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Sunday, June 6, 2010


Malaysia has the world’s 13th largest natural gas reserves and 24th largest oil reserves. The country’s natural resources are located in Peninsular Malaysia with 32.9%(in trillion) LNG and 42%(in billion) crude oil, Sarawak with 53% LNG and 32.8% crude oil and Sabah with 11.1% LNG and 24.8% crude oil. Malaysia is abuzz in business in Oil and Gas and draws foreign investments like no other.
Shipping activities makes Malaysia busy all year round. Large tanker vessels coming from different countries calls port every single day. But Malaysia also has its own fleet of VLCC type and other size of tanker vessels. Most of the vessels that call port in Malaysia are manned mostly by Filipino seafarers known worldwide for their skills and traits.
In the picture, 2 Malaysian owned LNG Tankers with Filipino seafarers onboard, safely anchored in Bintulu’s (Sarawak State) anchorage area waiting for their turn to call port. While on the other hand, our vessel M.T. Minorca rest on its belly nearby shrouded by clouds.

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