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Saturday, July 10, 2010


“Vice-inflicted” seafarers are high in numbers maybe because of their line of work or the peer pressure that goes with it. In most cases audacity, whim or urge is the culprit why a good number of them are into vices, a trait that identify them as mariners. Uncle Sam’s DOLLARS made them so. The green bucks is pretty much cool to have especially so when the mariner is on shore leave.

On board ship vices continue to bring relief to mariners and cigarette tops the rest and, more often than not mariners smoke to death. Only a few are restrained by their being health conscious and stay away from smoking cigar. Heavy smokers are insensitive to non-smokers because of obscure or ambiguous ship’s company policy on the designated smoking area.

Cigarette addicts smoke their way inside crew mess at any given time, unmindful of their fellow crew having meal or just sitting during break time. Others who are hard headed smokers do their thing inside their cabin which is strictly prohibited under the ship’s SAFETY rules and regulations. In an LPG Tanker ship, a “NO SMOKING” warning signs are prominently displayed all over the ship, but still smokers lit their cigars carelessly.

Smoking mariners aboard ship also contributes damage to the already unhealthy environment of tanker vessels. Dangerous gases like nitrogen, butane, propane, methane, hydrocarbon and hydrogen sulfide are found onboard which are harmful to the human body. Working on board tanker vessel requires not only about competency but a healthy body.

This is a reality in seafaring more so on tanker vessel even though dangerous gases are present, compounded by cigarette smoke, mariners remains steadfast in their resolve to gain seafaring employment. To mariners seafaring is a journey of a lifetime – no ifs or buts. Smoking mariners outnumber non-smokers, which is why they are greeted with scorn and rebuke if complaint is put on the table.

To non-smokers, harmful gases on board tanker ship are already part of the danger that the seafarers face in their chosen field of work but not with smoke coming from cigarette addict mariners who puff their lungs out.
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