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Thursday, July 29, 2010


I surmised not everyone will agree that living in an ordinary and simple house is happier than the one with palatial spaces. I admit that this discourse sounds not right to some but before you dig on me and thrown into the world of make - believe or exiled in Pinocchio’s Wonder Land, let me explain first the reasons why I came-up with this conclusion.

Peace of mind
A family or individuals living in an ordinary and simple house have peace of mind than that of persons living in the luxury of a big house or mansion. Simple reason shows that an ordinary and simple house does not attract attention from the prying eyes of burglars, robbers and other uninvited guests who loves to break-in. In a humble living one wouldn’t need to worry about security and tranquility, thus peace of mind transpires.
On the other hand, living in such a huge house or mansion is stressful because one would need to be extra careful by putting high tech security measures to prevent intruders or gun toting men-in-mask from breaking-in. The elaborate, elegant and luxurious design of a huge house or mansion is a magnet for criminals.

Aura, Paranormal Force and Eerie Part and Happy Family
In an ordinary and simple house and considered small in standard, the aura or paranormal force jibes with the structure of the house. Occupants usually feel the ease of belongingness, happiness and abundance of life and spirit. The normal space or area of the house makes the aura more pleasant to the occupants and to visitors alike. And because the house is adequately built and has just enough elbow-room for occupants to move around, it creates no anxiety nor discontent but rather fulfillment of a happy family.
The exact opposite can be described on big houses or mansions because normally its structural design is more on wide spaces, putting more emphasis on large distances from one side to another, from one corner to another, from one floor to another and from one room to another.
Ultimately, the palatial spaces or areas make it more eerie, haunted and strangely terrifying in appearance. Typically, ghosts or wandering spirits inhabit unoccupied and dark parts of the house. The house is like void space, no happiness to speak of. It’s empty.
Here, the occupants usually are busy with their personal lives. They seldom make use of their bonding time or family time. Often, boredom and loneliness strikes them hard confounded by the negative effect of aura or paranormal force created by the palatial spaces. The effect is worse. Family members succumb to drug use or overdose and eventually death by suicide or murder.

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