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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ban School Fraternities Now

The bloody incident that happened in Metro Manila last September 26, 2010 involving school fraternities gives warning to all concerned that these organized gangs and criminals fronting as legal fraternities and sororities of students will become more dangerous to the civilized world unless they are all banned forever.

A picture of grim and sorrow was indescribable when a pack of blood-thirsty wolves with the intention to kill hurled a grenade right in the middle of a crowd of law students during the last day of Bar examination which the suspects and the victims were there to support their fellow fraternities and the school they represent.

Many suffered injuries and one young law student were not lucky to see her legs again because she was at the wrong place and may be at the wrong side of the fence of fraternity affiliation. The mayhem was swift. Opposing fraternities and Law schools just couldn’t imagine what transpired the carnage or “fraternity rage.” But that’s a given; all the fraternities have one in common, the “Angels of Death” or in Latin “L’angelo della morte.”

In the first place fraternity membership promote cruelty & violence with that big paddle and other initiation equipments that inflict harm and blood to the delight of all the members. And of course it involves sex, alcohol and drugs. Hazing 101? Yes of course, the physical pain that satisfy cruelty and extreme desire for blood.

This is the kind of school fraternities in the Philippines that had been in existence as old as their fraternities’ name written in bold Latin or Greek words. And this is no longer a surprise to me why the Philippines could not take-off because there are too many lawyers running the show in the country. They shape the rotten judicial, legislative and executive branch of government.

The chaos that inflict pain and sufferings will be repeated again and again because the cycle of infamy and violence within the fraternities & sororities in schools is extensive and without end. The generation of today is the generation of tomorrow. They are law students of today, and they are lawyers and leaders of tomorrow. And if they are killers, marauders and corrupt today and that also what shape them tomorrow.

So, what is the essence of facing our fate tomorrow if we will be facing another batch of lawyers and leaders molded and hardened in the “brotherhood of infamy and violence?” Ban school fraternities and sororities now!!!

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