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Monday, September 6, 2010


Lil' Floyd Jr., after taking a respite from his spontaneous psychotic behavior, finally issued a statement denying that he is a racist and made an insincere apology to Pacquiao and his fans. Insincere because after he apologized, his motor-mouth immediately brags about his boxing career, his life, his money and how he gets it in hundreds of millions of dollars.

Well, enough of that childish attitude and arrogance from a man who despise sportsmanship, respect and dignified manner. lil' Flod should face his demons and reintegrate his self in the civilized world that he has had connections before he was eaten by his own arrogance, egotistic self, and love of money and racist leanings.

If he is true to himself lil' Floyd should shed his baggage of immaturity and decongest his mind of contorted views about himself, of being superior to others. Because I assume that he wasn’t influenced by the Aryan doctrine of Adolf Hitler who popularized superior race, racial discrimination and many other abominable acts that was recorded in the history of our complex world.

Although, lil' Floyd Jr.’s insincere apology cast doubt to many, the Filipino race is forgiving and easily put enmity and hurt feelings behind their backs as if nothing happened. This is the time for lil' Floyd Jr. to show who he really is, not a racist kind of a man but a man of respect clothed with the armor of magnanimity and maturity.

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