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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Village

Rustic is the life in the Village
Where it is idle and subdued but quite happy
Where families live in huts comfortably
Where the way of life is humble and not haughty
Where strangers are welcome with courtesy

Beautiful is the scene in the Village
Where grassland compliment the awesome scenery
Where trees standing and swaying gracefully
Where farmlands keep farmers busy
Where animals graze and move around freely

Serene is the place in the Village
Where quiet surrounding is deafening
Where astounding landscape is calm but not boring
Where foliage covers wide range of tranquility
Where greenery is full of life to meander

Pleasing sounds pervade in the Village
Where birds chirp in their exquisite form
Where roosters crow at dawn
Where gecko-like creatures emit sound atop the coconut tree
Where river flows in enthralling sound
Where waterfalls cascades loud

Eerie is the night in the Village
Where complete darkness is a little scary
Where little creatures creep
Where crickets disquiet the night
Where kerosene lamp remain as the only light

Relaxing is the day in the Village
Where fresh air soothe the inner sense of the human body
Where clean and cold stream attract for a good therapeutic swim
Where ordinary things exist unmolested by modern living
Where folks are friendly and accommodating

Challenging is the life in the Village
Where human activity is hard but dauntless
Where slow pace of life persist
Where old system of things remain unchanged
Where human development is very low
Where education is totally absent for folks to grow

Poignant is the services in the Village
Where basic services are not available
Where government help is indispensable
Where health and sanitation services are nil
Where outhouse and bushes are the usual place to address the call of nature
Where basic needs are seldom to get by

Nature is the only luxury in the Village
Where unadulterated farm produce and meat products comes natural
Where expensive bottled water is none at all
Where water springs flows eternal
Where cooking is usually done by using firewood

Love of nature is important in the Village
Where folks use old farm implements
Where forest and rivers are protected
Where slush and burn is avoided
Where hunting of protected species are discouraged

Foremost is the peace and order in the Village
Where village elders keep understanding and unity
Where folks practice traits of giving and caring
Where wrongdoings do not make up the village
Where cooperation unites the folks together

Coexistence prevails in the Village
Where folks live in typical rustic life
Where domestic and wild animals feed in usual mode of animal life
Where distribution of nature’s wealth are reap even
Where nature accommodate all creatures living therein

Exploring is worth trying in the village
Where the daily grind of urban life is temporarily deleted
Where soul searching is absolutely solemn
Where appreciation of life is easily understood
Where resting under the mighty tree brings recollection of happy memories
Where walking along the trails boost self confidence
Where self-imposed exile in the village help appreciate everything.

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