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Thursday, July 29, 2010


I surmised not everyone will agree that living in an ordinary and simple house is happier than the one with palatial spaces. I admit that this discourse sounds not right to some but before you dig on me and thrown into the world of make - believe or exiled in Pinocchio’s Wonder Land, let me explain first the reasons why I came-up with this conclusion.

Peace of mind
A family or individuals living in an ordinary and simple house have peace of mind than that of persons living in the luxury of a big house or mansion. Simple reason shows that an ordinary and simple house does not attract attention from the prying eyes of burglars, robbers and other uninvited guests who loves to break-in. In a humble living one wouldn’t need to worry about security and tranquility, thus peace of mind transpires.
On the other hand, living in such a huge house or mansion is stressful because one would need to be extra careful by putting high tech security measures to prevent intruders or gun toting men-in-mask from breaking-in. The elaborate, elegant and luxurious design of a huge house or mansion is a magnet for criminals.

Aura, Paranormal Force and Eerie Part and Happy Family
In an ordinary and simple house and considered small in standard, the aura or paranormal force jibes with the structure of the house. Occupants usually feel the ease of belongingness, happiness and abundance of life and spirit. The normal space or area of the house makes the aura more pleasant to the occupants and to visitors alike. And because the house is adequately built and has just enough elbow-room for occupants to move around, it creates no anxiety nor discontent but rather fulfillment of a happy family.
The exact opposite can be described on big houses or mansions because normally its structural design is more on wide spaces, putting more emphasis on large distances from one side to another, from one corner to another, from one floor to another and from one room to another.
Ultimately, the palatial spaces or areas make it more eerie, haunted and strangely terrifying in appearance. Typically, ghosts or wandering spirits inhabit unoccupied and dark parts of the house. The house is like void space, no happiness to speak of. It’s empty.
Here, the occupants usually are busy with their personal lives. They seldom make use of their bonding time or family time. Often, boredom and loneliness strikes them hard confounded by the negative effect of aura or paranormal force created by the palatial spaces. The effect is worse. Family members succumb to drug use or overdose and eventually death by suicide or murder.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


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Monday, July 26, 2010


Yes indeed, Filipino politicians and those who are in government service are the cause of poverty, hunger and insurgency in the Philippines. Majority of these politicians belongs to the prominent families of the Philippines who ruled the country since after independence from the American colonizer. The neo-politicos who gained prominence after the EDSA Revolution of 1986 are likewise to blame for the unrelenting debacle of the poor Philippines. The seat of power are divided and passed onto their relatives, to their next of kin, father, mother, brother, sister etc and the cycle continues. These people practically owned almost the entire Philippines. And holy cow, these politicos are educated in the world renown Universities in America and Europe. They have their Master of Arts and doctoral degrees prominently displayed in their personal information. They send their relatives one after the other to the same schools abroad and return to the Philippines to run for public office only to amass wealth as a reward for a stint abroad as students. They are well educated alright, but once they’re in power, they accumulate wealth in so short a time, almost triple the money that they spent as students abroad. They have no regards to the poor masses; all they have in mind is their personal interests on how to remain rich at the expense of the uneducated and poor people of the Philippines. Also, the men in government who are appointed to run the day to day affairs of the country contribute to the problems by using their positions to manipulate, rigged, influence every contract at their own disposal in exchanged for FAT COMMISSIONS. They are not taking chances; every available transaction is considered easy money and must go to their pockets by hook or by crook. Both politicos and the men in government have their mansions, flashy cars, acres of lands and buildings around the country. Their sons and daughters are in private, air conditioned and stately schools and blessed with luxuries. The poor masses lives in small shacks, in squatters, no lands of their own and works as scavengers, tradesmen, mendicants. Their sons and daughters are poorly educated, roaming around town, clawed by pedophiles and sex predators and oftentimes dies in hunger. Others resort to criminality and in the rural areas joins rebel movements. This is SAD REALLY SAD. How I wish that someday the Philippines will be great again, again because once upon a time the Philippines was second to Japan but now the country is a step ahead of Timbuktu, whatever that means.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010


After winning the May 2010 Presidential Election, Philippine President Noynoy Aquino will deliver his first State Of The Nation Address or SONA this afternoon 26th of July 2010 (Manila time). According to the Palace officials this year’s SONA will be different than that of the past administrations of President Fidel Ramos and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo who both used gimmicks of presenting two different faces of HUNGER and POVERTY.

The two former presidents who promised to end hunger and poverty made hype out of the poor individuals who were plucked out of the squatter colonies and chosen to act as models in front of TV cameras just to show that they are serious in solving the century old problem of HUNGER and POVERTY.

In 1992, former President Fidel Ramos used a destitute family man of eight as his model of hunger and poverty. Ultimately the man called Mang Pandoy became popular because the then illusionists administration were trumpeting their solution to finally end the sufferings and miseries of millions of people who are poor. After six years of starring role, Mr. Ramos finished his term a notch higher from his previous wealth, influence and power.

But, unfortunately his model of hunger & poverty Mang Pandoy and the millions of poor remained under the threshold of destitution and hopelessness. The hyperbole was just too good to be true and a decade and half later Mang Pandoy died in 2008 at age 71. He was born poor & died poor. Yet, the nation never expects that this political gimmick will try to imitate itself.

For the second time around, the theatrical acts of political propaganda was brought to the fore by no less than former president Gloria Arroyo. This time, new models were presented to portray the country’s hunger & poverty. The models were likewise taken from the squatter colony; three children from three different poor families. The gimmick was elaborate and full of drama. Mrs. Arroyo re-phrased Mr. Ramos of solving hunger & poverty but both of them failed.

It was not only a failure but a total failure of immense proportion in the history of the Philippines. Instead of reducing the incidence of hunger & poverty, the Arroyo administration deliberately caused to inflict more sufferings and miseries to the nation in her 9 years in office. Anomalies, corruptions, killings, social, economic and political degradations were part of the theatrical acts starred by Mrs. Arroyo herself and her allies.

Now that the new administration of President-elect Noynoy Aquino is at the helm, he promised to steer the country’s position towards progress and development; of eradicating corruption to end hunger and poverty. And these are just part of the speech of President Aquino in his first SONA. The President said that his SONA is simple, no actual presentation of individuals that would portray anything about poverty. And that is what the whole nation expects of him; to portray his starring role as the true leader of the Republic of the Philippines.
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Friday, July 23, 2010

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Thursday, July 22, 2010


Well, practically seafaring job is one of the best professions in the world which offers a lot of great opportunity. And perhaps unequalled, because to join one would be able to experience life at its best: Good salary in US dollars, meet with different nationalities, see various countries and cultures, explore the “seven seas” (or the “5 oceans”) and of course a secure life upon retirement.
These are the reasons why men and women in known countries including the Philippines that supplies great number of seafarers to the world’s shipping industry are queuing-up in manning agencies hoping to land a job at sea. In the archipelagic country like the Philippines, seafaring job is an attractive opportunity because first of all it is free to apply; only that credential and competency are the one strictly required.
Foreign employers represented by manning agencies mostly located in Metro Manila Philippines, are implementing these rules or policies to protect all applicants from paying placement fee and to maintain the high standard of qualification of all seafarers. In this particular issue, it seems that the rules or policies are good and beyond question the fact that it implies favorable advantage to all stakeholders.
Indeed through this long-established system, seafaring jobs continue to grow except that also through this means, under-the-table transaction of applying for a job at sea has long been part of the system and likewise increasing in numbers. And why is it so? The problem can be traced to the air-conditioned offices of manning agencies with people milling around as crewing managers, assistants, secretaries, or even utilities stricken with “emphatic crewing syndrome.”
The syndrome is exacting that the rule run like these: “whom you know, not what you know” “back-up me you,” “protégé,” “patronage,” “close connection” and other forms of “empathic crewing syndrome” the one that “you scratch my back and I will scratch yours.”
This is an open secret in the crewing industry; an exposed and disgusting wide-opened “sea chest” of “emphatic crewing syndrome.” Applicants near the seat of “office power” easily hurdles the quest of getting a job at sea and immediately deployed even without the appropriate credential and competency. Others, who have no connections but qualified are feted to the worst kind of treatment especially RATINGS.
The RATINGS or the lesser mortals in the seafaring industry are the most affected by this kind of ignominy. They are subjected to some kind of immeasurable hopelessness, desperation or failure because applying for a seafaring job is a long & tricky rough sea to hurdle irreparably effected by the “emphatic crewing syndrome.”
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Sunday, July 18, 2010


The food served in an LPG tanker ship is not a “bon vivant” type of treat although it is “bon appétit” meal at any given time, to some it is a “bone of contention.” But really, menu onboard ship is a combination of simple style, good preparation and good taste. This master stroke of an idea is solely done by the ship’s chef cook who always make it sure that food he cook meets the expectations of his colleagues.

The “mayor” of the galley makes the best out of his wit in maintaining the good taste of foods he is cooking. Although, food in ocean going vessels particularly tanker ships is quite a little different in taste than the food we eat on shore, still meal onboard ship is certainly a matter of real nourishment. FYI, raw food onboard LPG tanker ship is being stored in a provision store room located near the engine room’s chemical storage area. Also, the ship emits different kinds of gases and smells that directly affects the natural taste of all foods and drinks stored.

Recipes, ingredients and the method of cooking are the things that the chef cook applies in his cooking routine just to stymie the ship’s smell effect on raw foods and to bring good tasting, delicious and sumptuous meal in the mess hall for all to eat with gusto.

Friday, July 16, 2010


A young Filipino Chief Mate is making a name in the field of seafaring. Like other mariners who had imprinted their names in the hierarchy of greatness and unquestioned characters in the performance of their duty as mariners, his is a cut above the rest. The trailblazing officer is much of a leader personified. He rose to the top of success in style through perseverance and dedication while the others took the opposite.

Chief Mate Alejandro Bersaluna, the amiable, low profile and down-to-earth Filipino Ship Officer possess the quality of a good leader. He is serious-minded yet pleasant in character. He brings to the fore his being kind and selfless without the imprimatur of an ego. His leadership style is bereft of medieval domineering temperament.

He is a teacher to those who are lacking in knowledge in seamanship. He shares his vast learning experience in cargo handling operation, navigation, security, safety, mooring operation, deck tasks and others. C/M Bersaluna confined his position not to berate or shame his junior officers and ratings.

The officer was never involved in any heated discussion or argument because he is too patient in everything he does. Likewise, patience served as his tools in teaching deck cadets and ratings in everything about ship operation. Unlike most of the officers who are keeping knowledge to themselves, C/M Bersaluna is open in sharing his ideas.

Chief Mate Alejandro Bersaluna, who hails from Bohol Province, south of the Philippines, is best described as an icon of a good leader for being true to himself, for being broadminded and for having a unique character worth of emulation. To the officers and crew who are now with C/M Bersaluna, CHEERS for having him in your ship.
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Thursday, July 15, 2010


SeV Travel Vest


The first time I encountered the word “APOCALYPSE” was when I joined a bible study in a Christian congregation decades ago which later helped me understand about GOD and EVIL. On the other hand, the word “ESCATHOLOGY” – although an old Greek word translated & entered in the English dictionary – I came to know about the word only recently (January 2010) after reading the popular and intriguing book “EPICENTER” and “INSIDE THE REVOLUTION” both authored by Mr. Joel S. Rosenberg, an American Jew who is advocating Christian faith and peace in the Middle East. And last, the word “SURVIVALSIM” intrigued me most because it points directly to the words of apocalypse and escathology which means doomsday and end times.

As everybody knows, “APOCALYPSE” as defined in the English dictionary means total destruction or devastation. In the Book of Revelation of the Holy Bible, it mentioned the word “ARMAGGEDON” which means the battle between the forces of good and evil that is predicted to mark the end of the world and precede the Day of Judgment. (Revelation 16:16).

However, aside from the Bible, many interpretations and explanations about the word “APOCALYPSE” were written and shown in so many publications, investigative research, scientific research, media presentations and in Hollywood movies. The different studies about the word are so complicated that even the Discovery channel has its own version of “APOCALYPSE” and that is the possibility of a giant Asteroid hitting our beloved planet Earth.

Whilst most of us are aware of what apocalypse is all about, another intriguing word is somewhat not in our radar screen of general information and that is “ESCATHOLOGY,” made popular by Mr. Joel S. Rosenberg in his books “EPICENTER” and “INSIDE THE REVOLUTION” and other equally great master pieces he had written in the last years.

In his books, Mr. Rosenberg described the end times or eschatology that was prophesied in the Book of Ezekiel of the Holy Bible. According to him, some Islamic countries together with Russia will make war with Israel and the US will just stand idly by and watch the conquering forces annihilate Israel but in the end GOD with his full might and heavenly power will help Israel inflict untold misery, sufferings and death against the invading armies of the enemy.

Although, apocalypse and eschatology are two Greek words with different meaning or interpretation but with almost the same result of doomsday prophesy, majority of the people from around the world do not believe such things exist because in today’s world, non-believers outnumber believers but not in Oregon, USA.

According to the AFP report which was published in a local newspaper in the Philippines last July 12, 2010 (Monday), a man named Mr. Jerry Erwin, Mr. Jim Rawles and others like them are now preparing the doomsday scenario, a catastrophic societal collapse that is likely to happen in their lifetime. They call themselves as “preppers,” “doomers” and “survivalists.”
Here, the word “SURVIVALISM” takes precedence and Mr. Erwin, Mr. Rawles and others like them have taken a variety of different approaches to prepare for the coming apocalypse. They see political upheaval and natural disasters as signs of the impending doom of civilization. For one, they adopted Christian-influenced approach, isolationist and self reliant approach to cement their belief and sever their reliance from the outside world.

As I tried to understand these things in my own personal view I came to conclude that “SURVIVALISM” is the reckoning point for Mr. Erwin and Mr. Jim Rawles and the rest of their followers. In fact Mr. Jim Rawles is called “the patron saint of survivalism” by Mr. Erwin himself. The selfless Mr. Rawles can be reached in his website

Lastly, it’s up to you readers to believe or not to believe but all I can say is that the words “apocalypse,” “escathology” and “survivalism will stay and who knows we might as well be a part of the unfolding prophecy. 2012, nuclear armed Iran and the re-emerging power of Russia, anyone?

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Monday, July 12, 2010


Fire is one of the worst cases of accidents and deaths involving various types of ships sailing all over the world. Although, all ships are equipped with different kinds of fire fighting appliances, preventing or fighting fire remains to be the problem of shipboard personnel. Innovations or inventions continuously added and applied in fire-fighting appliances but still the risks continue to bother and scare shipboard personnel.

And because of the risk factor associated to the frightening threat of FIRE, shipboard personnel headed by the Chief Officer, conducts regular replacement or refilling of contents of portable fire extinguisher specially foam fire extinguisher. This fire-fighting appliance is composed of ALKALI powder which is mixed with fresh water and stored in the outer chamber and the inner chamber is filled with sulfuric acid that triggers foamy effect when the lever is pressed.

The foam fire extinguishers are safely located in the accommodation area of the ship and can be seen on the alleyway and in the engine control room or E.C.R.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Webcam software detects motion, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

I'm using web camera application. I
can broadcast Internet video to watch my apartment
from anyplace.

Webcam software identifies activity, triggers siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by email

With my new

webcam software
, I can run a streaming show
of my room visible from the Internet. This opens up a group
of opportunities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today's world. I can use
this broadcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to watch what's going on in my site
at any moment from a remote viewing station.

As long as I have the webcamera
running and a remote pc with Internet access, I can watch the room.
With the software and the webcam, I can change the options to capture picture,
sense activity (if I don't want to keep the camera running at all times),
or use a mixture of a online feed and recorded video to realize a protection
system that takes full benefit of novel technology.

With a capture card,
I can simply transfer appropriate video and screenshots to use on
any pc.

With sensitive files on my pc
and priceless things in my site,
it only makes sense to have a protection setup that I can monitor whenever I feel that my privacy
is being compromised. If I owned a small firm or lived with roommates, I couldn't imagine
living without it.

Streaming online video and sound from capture device
via webcam server application

Streaming live video and audio from capture card via camera computer software

Surveillance application

If you find yourself with a need to record surveillance video with a webcam over an area,

computer software

may be the right choice for you. Using this application, it is possible to set up a
camera to detect motion and begin recording when it does.

Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the webcam may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video
needs to be available off-site, can be broadcast using the server's broadcasting
function to a web site.

Depending on the quality of the webcam and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition tv signal.
Using a setup like this, it is possible to provide a measure of security for an area when
the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security firm or setting up a professional monitoring system.


do-it-yourself approach

can save money while not compromising on protection.

New professional security software works with
any webcam, IP cameras, and major capture cards.

Web camera software senses motion, triggers alarm, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

Surveillance software

has become so difficult that the typical
businessman who has been busy minding his office instead of pouring over electronics and online
technology articles can be easily overwhelmed when it comes time to install or update his security system.

Fortunately, there is new professional surveillance application that simplifies much of the decision making.
You don't necessarily have to get rid of a working analog CCTV system in order to modernize to a broadcasting
video that can be watched from any online connected computer or 3G phone. Video capture cards can digitally convert the
images for webcast. Until yesterday, there had been no real attempts to standardize the new Internet
cameras; every make and manufacturer functioned a tiny differently. And when you put webcams into the
merge, using one application to control them all was unwieldy.

Professional security software

is now available that will work for any webcam
or IP webcam and for most capture cards as well. You can supervise whatever your activity
sensors are picking up at your residence or business while you can be half a world away.
The software itself may not be simple, but it can make life simpler for you.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


“Vice-inflicted” seafarers are high in numbers maybe because of their line of work or the peer pressure that goes with it. In most cases audacity, whim or urge is the culprit why a good number of them are into vices, a trait that identify them as mariners. Uncle Sam’s DOLLARS made them so. The green bucks is pretty much cool to have especially so when the mariner is on shore leave.

On board ship vices continue to bring relief to mariners and cigarette tops the rest and, more often than not mariners smoke to death. Only a few are restrained by their being health conscious and stay away from smoking cigar. Heavy smokers are insensitive to non-smokers because of obscure or ambiguous ship’s company policy on the designated smoking area.

Cigarette addicts smoke their way inside crew mess at any given time, unmindful of their fellow crew having meal or just sitting during break time. Others who are hard headed smokers do their thing inside their cabin which is strictly prohibited under the ship’s SAFETY rules and regulations. In an LPG Tanker ship, a “NO SMOKING” warning signs are prominently displayed all over the ship, but still smokers lit their cigars carelessly.

Smoking mariners aboard ship also contributes damage to the already unhealthy environment of tanker vessels. Dangerous gases like nitrogen, butane, propane, methane, hydrocarbon and hydrogen sulfide are found onboard which are harmful to the human body. Working on board tanker vessel requires not only about competency but a healthy body.

This is a reality in seafaring more so on tanker vessel even though dangerous gases are present, compounded by cigarette smoke, mariners remains steadfast in their resolve to gain seafaring employment. To mariners seafaring is a journey of a lifetime – no ifs or buts. Smoking mariners outnumber non-smokers, which is why they are greeted with scorn and rebuke if complaint is put on the table.

To non-smokers, harmful gases on board tanker ship are already part of the danger that the seafarers face in their chosen field of work but not with smoke coming from cigarette addict mariners who puff their lungs out.
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