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Sunday, August 15, 2010


It is no longer a surprise why HIV/AIDS awareness campaign is ineffective despite of so many causes being put-up by various institutions or help-centers that provide information about the dreaded disease of HIV/AIDS. There are many factors why the campaign is losing the battle and that the people themselves are to blame for they ignore warnings of HIV/AIDS.

The disease is demographically wide in scope certainly because of convoluted reasons humans continue to believe that life is full of surprises and happiness in which to some extent is also full of excesses. The evolving world makes it happen for human activities to evolve that took precedence to the developing of new dreaded diseases like AIDS, H1N1, INFLUENZA, SWINE FLU, AVIAN INFLUENZA VIRUS (H5N1) and the new SUPERBUG VIRUS which according to the latest news emanating from all over the world is resistant to antibiotic drugs.

The AIDS disease which was discovered in 1981 remains as one of the threat to human health because the mortality rate is pretty much high among the carriers of the said disease. In the Philippines alone the case of HIV/AIDS infections & deaths continue to increase in spite of the many information disseminations being conducted by the different concerned agencies from both the government and private sectors (casuists).

The so called casuists obviously are losing the battle because of economic factor, technology, family, social, “gender defection” and other factors like survival from want. In Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines, the incidence of HIV/AIDS infections surprisingly increased this year of 2010. The news gathered around the city through the Department of Health stated that some students, m2m or men having sex with men and sex workers and blood recipient patients comprised the new batch of HIV/AIDS carriers.

There are roughly a number of students in this mountain resort city indentified as informal sex workers who sell their bodies to support their education. Other students are into casual sex for high tech gadgets like branded cell phones, lap tops and money for their personal needs. This sex activity was corroborated by a family friend, a former US Navy veteran with a dual citizenship.

He minced no words when he told me that there are students who offer sex service to retirees who frequent in a known place/road in Baguio City which served as a venue for various social gatherings. I consider this as alarming but I am not in position to blame neither the students nor the retirees for their actions because both of them are enslave of their own personal needs & predisposition.
And because of this, it is not surprising though that HIV/AIDS infection in the city will continue to add more carriers & deaths for years to come because everyone is guaranteed with the word “FREEDOM OF CHOICE.” Qou Vadis?

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