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Monday, August 9, 2010


When it comes to health we cannot deny the fact that there are many self-help programs available in the World Wide Web which provides different forms, techniques, applications etc that are commonly attributed to Eastern or traditional medicine. Although, this type of health program is relatively reliable in so many ways, vast majority of the people remained dependent on Western medicine especially so when one needs surgery; a medical intervention outside the parameters of traditional medicine.

The fact that Western medicine provides relief to different kinds of medical problems, we should not be swayed by believing or of trying self-help medical program because as we all know, prevention is better than cure. The more we believe and practice self-help medical program the more we gain confidence in having a healthy body & mind.

Daily exercise is very helpful in maintaining your physical health. Whether you are employed or not you can do some short or light exercises in the morning before rushing to take a shower for your work. Like for example, in the morning you are already awake but still in bed, why not concentrate a bit and do some sit-up for minutes. Do arms stretching while you pace your self to the bathroom or do a squat for leg muscles and knees as you wait for food to be served on the table. There are many forms of light or short exercises that you can do in the morning and it depends on how you do it.

Well, I’m sure you readers are better than me because you might already have read the different medical journals or bulletins about the human mind, how to have a healthy mind to be exact. But I would like to share with you another self-help mind exercise which I consider as effective. If you love solving cross word puzzle or riddle or let’s say a “bookworm” in you and that’s it. You would be able to have a healthy mind in your lifetime.
Did you know that solving cross word puzzle daily makes the human mind stimulated in such a way that our thoughts, feelings, perceptions, ideas, knowledge & memories are energized and replenished thereby attacking diseases like dementia, amnesia or memory loss and even Alzheimer’s disease? The same true with being a voracious reader or bookworm which helped provide an antidote to fight mind deterioration due to various reasons like ageing.

Everyone wants to have good eyesight or vision in their whole life but admittedly old age catches up with our eyesight or vision. As we grow old our good vision likewise changes, sometimes it’s tragic that eventually leads to blindness. But did you know that good eyesight or vision can be maintained during and after our childhood days? It’s simple. Look or view the vast open field of a farmland, plains, valley, mountain range, the wide open space of the ocean while standing or sitting along the shore or view the surroundings in the neighborhood right in front of your house' window. Massage your face, forehead, temple, pinched your brows from 2 – 5 minutes. Do these eyes exercise in your free time and you can expect results later.

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