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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ban School Fraternities Now

The bloody incident that happened in Metro Manila last September 26, 2010 involving school fraternities gives warning to all concerned that these organized gangs and criminals fronting as legal fraternities and sororities of students will become more dangerous to the civilized world unless they are all banned forever.

A picture of grim and sorrow was indescribable when a pack of blood-thirsty wolves with the intention to kill hurled a grenade right in the middle of a crowd of law students during the last day of Bar examination which the suspects and the victims were there to support their fellow fraternities and the school they represent.

Many suffered injuries and one young law student were not lucky to see her legs again because she was at the wrong place and may be at the wrong side of the fence of fraternity affiliation. The mayhem was swift. Opposing fraternities and Law schools just couldn’t imagine what transpired the carnage or “fraternity rage.” But that’s a given; all the fraternities have one in common, the “Angels of Death” or in Latin “L’angelo della morte.”

In the first place fraternity membership promote cruelty & violence with that big paddle and other initiation equipments that inflict harm and blood to the delight of all the members. And of course it involves sex, alcohol and drugs. Hazing 101? Yes of course, the physical pain that satisfy cruelty and extreme desire for blood.

This is the kind of school fraternities in the Philippines that had been in existence as old as their fraternities’ name written in bold Latin or Greek words. And this is no longer a surprise to me why the Philippines could not take-off because there are too many lawyers running the show in the country. They shape the rotten judicial, legislative and executive branch of government.

The chaos that inflict pain and sufferings will be repeated again and again because the cycle of infamy and violence within the fraternities & sororities in schools is extensive and without end. The generation of today is the generation of tomorrow. They are law students of today, and they are lawyers and leaders of tomorrow. And if they are killers, marauders and corrupt today and that also what shape them tomorrow.

So, what is the essence of facing our fate tomorrow if we will be facing another batch of lawyers and leaders molded and hardened in the “brotherhood of infamy and violence?” Ban school fraternities and sororities now!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Reckoning of an Evolving World: The Final Fantasy

If our history books, word-of-mouth accounts of our old folks and historians in the academe who shared to us about world history before us, we might conclude though that the world then is worth living for. Before, the world is environmentally, socially and morally sound and good.

Fast forward, humans are now living in more advanced world. It seemed that everything had completely changed. The world is all about high technology, hip-hop, junkies, terrorists, rich and poor, poverty and extravagance, extreme social activism, homosexuality, global warming, climate change etc.

The environmentalists have warned us about climate change. The Japanese, Koreans, Americans and Europeans keep on selling to the world their high end technologies. The Chinese are busy cloning substandard products that awash the world market. And last but not the least; the world is now under gunpoint social activism which is advocating flawed social change.

The world has seen it coming and that gunpoint social activism took center stage among others. The last thing we know was that gunpoint social activism, which promotes social equality, is actually a flawed social change. Thus, homosexuality, pedophilia, fornication, abortion, drug abuse and to name a few have evolved.

The world was made to accept that same-sex marriage, older people having sex with young boys and girls, multiple partners and killing the unborn is a damn RIGHT. Many raised a howl but eventually majority has taken side. Among those majority are the ultra liberals, the Godless and salacious individuals or groups, junkies, the modernists, socialists/Maoists (the one that enforced mandatory abortion) and other mortals that practice immorality, made popular by the doomed people of Sodom & Gomorrah.

It is frustrating indeed that the West, who propagated Christianity, moral values, good ethics and righteousness to the rest of the world are the one leading in trying to make irrelevant the good virtues and bible based teachings they imparted to our ancestors. There is no question about gays and lesbians, but same-sex partnership is another. There is no question about being old but pedophilia is abominable. There is no question of loving a person but fornication & adultery is a sinful lust. There is no question of having a baby but abortion is murder.

These flawed social changes have slowly eroded the moral foundations of society elsewhere in the world. It is sickening to see gays undergo wedding rites before mayors, officials and priests using God’s word. It is sickening to see unborn babies thrown into the garbage for the elements to consume. It is sickening to see pedophiles molesting helpless innocent children. And it is sickening to see fornicators & adulterers intensify their lust to perfection.

Thus, I am afraid that not only HIV-AIDS will come before us. More incurable and dread diseases and untold calamities and miseries would become the next big thing. And the world is now seeing it happen. No, I do not belong to any religious sect with fundamental belief on prophesying of what would happen next. One need not be a member of any religious sects to know the effect of human’s excessiveness. The result of it is already in our present time.

To date, certain countries are rejoicing because abortion, drug use, pedophilia, fornication & same-sex marriage is now open to anybody willing to practice the S&G (Sodom & Gomorrah) doctrine. Here gunpoint social activism has won. Welcome to the flawed society of change.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Our Old Folks Needs Tender Loving Care

When we were raised by our parents, love, care, support & protection was what we got from them. The knowledge that we’ve learned from our old folks is the same “genetic skill” that we use in facing the challenges of life. However, after years of growing up under the care of our loving parents, we are now ready to go on our own. We may be thankful to our parents, but later we decide to vacate and leave our parents on their own. Or worse senile they become, we put them into exile, in nursing homes or in the home for the aged.

By leaving our old folks, our conscience do not bothers us because we are busy in keeping abreast in everything we do as independent “future seekers.” In the process the tie that binds is slowly loosening up because we have no family to share with, no parents to care about.

This scenario or facts of life is traditionally the case in the industrialized countries. Senior citizens are being put into nursing homes. The concern of caring for the old folks usually passed onto the hard working caregivers or senior carers for them to give TLC instead. But other old folks don’t get help from the said institutions because they live alone in their country homes, tenements, apartments or flats as the Brits called and sometimes poor senior citizens live by the streets because the worst of times had caught with them & deprived to live in a place called “home.”

Although, the latter is not a familiar face in rich countries, the opposite is what can be seen in third world countries. Homeless senior citizens crowd the dirty and dangerous street environment compounded by the lack of facilities and support from the family, religious, government and the private sectors. Perhaps the absence of these things has contributed to the sad and distressful plight of old folks longing for TLC from their family.

Thus, for me, the love and care that I received from my parents is irreplaceable. Giving them TLC or tender loving care is an honest responsibility that we should share with our old folks till their last hurrah on earth. How about you, do you give back the love and care that your parents have shared with you? Just asking…it’s not too late for you to reciprocate the support, protection, love and care that you received from your old folks.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reminiscing the Elegance of Camp John Hay

Baguio City, Philippines – Blooming with flowers, cool fresh air and the soothing effect of smell of pine trees complemented with the well maintained lawns of a picturesque golf course, one would be awed of the beauty of Camp John Hay. But that was then, when the Americans still occupies the sprawling base camp that served as their rest and recreation.

The complete facilities and services are not only exclusive to the GIs but likewise are open to the public to the appreciation of all the visitors, rich and poor. The American way of life could be seen inside the camp. Bulky and luxurious American cars are rolling the paved road of the base camp. Some of the vehicles were being used in transporting visitors from the guarded gates going to the inside of the camp – for free.

The usual PX goods were the big attraction because the visitors love to buy the “Made in the USA” products. The quality conscious locals patronized the commissary section because they feel they are being served well the same as their American counter part. American style houses dominate the base camp with complete amenities and luxuries that can only be found inside the beautifully designed structures. The serenity of the place makes the base camp the favorite place for social activities or gatherings.

But that was it; the old good days are gone. The memories keep on reminding me that there was a US R & R called “Camp John Hay” where people of all walks of life could promenade, eat their foods in the picnic table and experience the American way of life by going to the commissary, theatre and other stuff that is American. No, I am not a hostage to the American culture or way of life. Clearly, the base camp is no longer the same as it used to be.

The Camp John Hay of old was totally gone. Brought by the changing world of politics and vested interests, the prevailing system of things ultimately eliminated the once selfless image of Camp John Hay. At present, the base camp is exclusively used by the rich and famous. Ordinary folks are restricted and no longer permitted to do the things that they used to do when the base camp was under the US Military Command. Luxury hotels and European mansions now dominate Camp John Hay. Old pine trees – that was nurtured by the Americans and the local employees – were cut down to accommodate the new structures.

What a disservice to the ordinary people who used to frequent Camp John Hay and considered it as a place for everybody. The people were rubbed of their only place that they know is community friendly and accommodating to their needs, not only the solace it brings but the services that the former Camp John Hay offers. There will be no more base camp that will bring excitement to all the people like what Camp John Hay did years ago.

Friday, September 10, 2010


For the first time in the history of ASEAN, the different indigenous groups of member states will be representing their countries as sport ambassadors in the first ASEAN INDIGENOUS TRIBAL GAMES which will be held in Nunuk Ragang Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia. The two day meet is scheduled this coming 15th & 16th of September 2010.

The Tribal games highlight the merging in one event of the traditional skills, diverse culture and tradition and strong brotherhood of all participants. It is expected that the event will be colorful, unique and engagingly happy because the competition is more on the indigenous sport format.

The tribal athletes will show their wares in assault shooting competition while they’re up in the trees using their traditional hunting weapons like spear, blow dart and bow & arrow. Aside from this, medals are at stake in boat race, foot race and in traditional dance. The Mangyans of Mindoro province, the Dumagats of Sierra Madre/Quezon province and the Aetas of Pampanga province, all indigenous tribes will represent the Philippines.

Malaysia’s indigenous tribes are mostly come from Sarawak and Sabah and they speak different languages with different customs and traditions. I was able to meet some of the tribes when I was then a crew of a Singapore Flag Vessel. Tribesmen from Bidayu and Iban dominate Sarawak and they are friendly to foreigners like me who have had a good conversation with them. These two tribes are usually hired as terminal personnel or LPG depot workers. Sabah dominated by Kadazan tribe.

But just like in any other place there are indigenous tribes that don’t get much attention & care from their government and the Penan tribe of Malaysia is one of them. Majority of this tribe can only be seen in the mountain ranges of Sarawak and often suffers maltreatment & violence from loggers. Reports of rapes and murders against young women are prevalent. The Penan tribe received support, care & protection from Malaysia’s NGOs who always visit them in their mountain lair.

The Philippines is more than guilty of not improving the lot of its indigenous tribes and the millions of poor Filipinos because of the corrupt system of government and the anarchic social, political & judicial system that greatly affected the nation’s development.

And now that the Indigenous Tribal games is ready to start in its first meet, it is only proper for the ASEAN leaders to recognize the important contributions of the indigenous people in many aspect like in bio-diversity, environment and unique cultural identity.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Lil' Floyd Jr., after taking a respite from his spontaneous psychotic behavior, finally issued a statement denying that he is a racist and made an insincere apology to Pacquiao and his fans. Insincere because after he apologized, his motor-mouth immediately brags about his boxing career, his life, his money and how he gets it in hundreds of millions of dollars.

Well, enough of that childish attitude and arrogance from a man who despise sportsmanship, respect and dignified manner. lil' Flod should face his demons and reintegrate his self in the civilized world that he has had connections before he was eaten by his own arrogance, egotistic self, and love of money and racist leanings.

If he is true to himself lil' Floyd should shed his baggage of immaturity and decongest his mind of contorted views about himself, of being superior to others. Because I assume that he wasn’t influenced by the Aryan doctrine of Adolf Hitler who popularized superior race, racial discrimination and many other abominable acts that was recorded in the history of our complex world.

Although, lil' Floyd Jr.’s insincere apology cast doubt to many, the Filipino race is forgiving and easily put enmity and hurt feelings behind their backs as if nothing happened. This is the time for lil' Floyd Jr. to show who he really is, not a racist kind of a man but a man of respect clothed with the armor of magnanimity and maturity.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


American boxer li’l Floyd Mayweather Jr. who considers himself as the best among the best in boxing is again in his psychotic behavioral stage after he released his new video taken inside of his house that contains racial rants against Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao. The trash-talking li’l Floyd, who is protected by America’s equal rights provision of its historic constitution, seemed not aware of the anti-racial context that the same constitution provided & made possible to free and protect his forefathers from slavery in White America of old.

Li’l Floyd Jr. was not born yesterday and he knew what exactly racism is all about. Well, I think African-Americans as neo-racists are no longer new to secular America. Black American Rap artists are part of that genre; their rap songs are full of hatred, discriminations towards whites and women. And I think li’l Floyd Jr. cast himself as the leader of that rouge of a band of neo-racists roaming around America protected by Uncle Sam’s constitution.

Did anyone in America raise an eyebrow every time li’l Floyd Jr. throws racial slurs against the Filipino nation? The secular US media is mum on the antics of li’l Floyd Jr. and his father. Could anyone educate and remind li’I Floyd Jr. and his father about racial hatred and below the belt tirades; terminologies that racists often use in their insecure and abusive way of life.

Could it be true that li’l Floyd Jr. is afraid to face Pacquiao in the boxing ring to avoid shameful defeat from a Filipino fighter who is more civil facing the racial rants of the father and son team of trash-talkers? Or is it psychotic disorder that keeps li’l Floyd Jr. & father noisy in the midst of negotiation of a mega fight between the fighter from the Philippines and the neo-racist boxer from the U.S. of A.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


This is no longer a surprise to ordinary people like me that prominent scientists in the world continue to deny the existence of God. Since the world came into existence people of bright minds don’t bother to believe God, for God was based on their scientific observation and twisted logic of creation, is nonsense and do not blip well enough in their “radar of superior intelligence.

Are the scientists the alter ego of Satan the devil? Biblically speaking, this could be true since it was Satan the devil, being the serpent, who made lie and opposed God through Eve. Thus, Satan said: Genesis3: 4-5 – At this the serpent said to the woman (Eve):”’You positively will not die.’ For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad.”

Satan the devil absolutely was a big LIAR and OPPOSER at the very first, for he contradicted God in Genesis 3:3 But as for (eating) the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God said “You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it that you do not die.” In these Bible texts, the name Satan as defined means a LIAR and Devil means OPPOSER.

Satan purposely lied to Eve that she will not die if she eats the fruit of tree and opposed God when he said to Eve that she will be like God for she will know good and bad. Here, we will easily understand that Satan the devil is no different from the scientists of the world who keep on perpetuating LIES and OPPOSING views against GOD.

Two renowned physicists, British Stephen Hawking, stricken with neuro muscular dystrophy and American Leonard Mlodinow were again at the center stage of news headlines because of their new book entitled “The Grand Design.” Stephen Hawking argues that God did not create the Universe and the Big Bang theory made it happened for all things to exist.

Like other bright minds and intelligent people before them, the two seemed unperturbed in their belief that God do not exist at all. And that like Satan the devil, they use the gullible people, ultra secular minds and the super intelligent yet bedeviled by mental callousness, of peddling LIES and to OPPOSE belief in God the Creator of all things.

Matthew 14:31 – Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.”You of little Faith,” he said, “Why did you doubt.”
Proverbs 14:14 – “The Faithless will be fully repaid for their ways & the good man rewarded for his.”
James 1:6 -"But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt,
because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea,
blown and tossed by the wind."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Time is gold as they say. And for seafarers every tick of the hands of a clock is important. Time management dictates the tempo of all activities on board ship. But like in any other human activities, may it be in sports, work stations etc., R & R takes a front seat after intense activity for the human body to rest and relax for a certain period of time.

For seafarers onboard, Rest and Recreation or R&R rarely happen because of lack of time, location and disposition of the Master or Captain. Frankly, R&R depends on the Master’s attitude towards his men. If the Master is indifferent and offensive to the common sense of camaraderie, R&R is usually put under the rugs.

But this weren’t the case of Master Mariner Jessie Juanico and Chief Officer Alejandro Bersaluna, both Filipino Officers who commands respect from their subordinates. The two officers were born leaders that they came-up with an idea to have R&R during in one of the voyages in Vietnam so they can share ideas, motivate their subordinates and enhance camaraderie among them.

It was during a lull in ship-to-port cargo operation when the R&R activity excitedly shared by the seafarers along the shoreline of Vung Ru, a serene, laidback, rustic and underdeveloped place in Southern Vietnam. The harbor-less LPG depot offers a beach of its kind which the locals frequently spend their time swimming, walking or by just sitting on the color brown sand to view the peaceful ambiance of the place.

The fun-filled and full of memories R&R in Vung Ru started in the morning and lasted till dark. Foods and drinks flowed like the cool breeze that continuously covers the horizon. More so the homesickness was eased by the sounds of the ocean waves that go back and forth on the shore and the swinging trees which also serve as canopy for beach goers.

It was such a good chance for seafarers to experience the place because Vung Ru is one of Vietnam’s LPG depots that serves international vessels, especially LPG Tanker ships that calls port in a regular basis, thereby giving seafarers a unique opportunity to splurge on the beach and spend much needed R&R to overcome mental and work fatigue. Here, raison d’ĂȘtre makes sense though.